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  1. breno785au

    Who will Win

    An eyewitness supposedly told CNN (I'm aware of people's mistrust for CNN) trying to find the article.
  2. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Apparently it was SS as she was trying to climb through the cabinet window (to be confirmed)
  3. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Is that you?
  4. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Yes, I can see how my poorly phrased question could come across that way. It's good to hear eye witness reports from the ground!
  5. breno785au

    Who will Win

    It's okay, it's a terrible thing to happen :( but I think all of us were somewhat expecting violence to happen as this all comes to the climax.
  6. breno785au

    Who will Win

    So what's this video of a woman being shot that's going around then?
  7. breno785au

    Who will Win

    I saw someone post something about 'Praise the Lord, pass the ammunition' or something like that. I thought it quite bizzare that anyone could say that. So I really have no idea what people are willing to do?
  8. breno785au

    Who will Win

    You can interpret it however you want. I can't add anymore to the drama that's been unfolding over the last few months. I saw your reply, thank you and that's good!
  9. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Too easy to say fake news to anything you want.
  10. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Please don't try and examine my motives. It is actually a question, is that what you people want? It can be a simple yes or no and / or explanation of reasoning if desired.
  11. breno785au

    Who will Win

    This is what you people want? People shooting each other.
  12. breno785au

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    Thank you for your explanation.
  13. breno785au

    Did Jesus ever....

    Too many Gospel films have Jesus walking around like a depressed emo with the weight of the world on His back. Well, He did but the joy of the Lord is our strength! I remember seeing one years ago where there was a short bit where Jesus was playing around with the disciples, they rolled around...
  14. breno785au


    Seriously, I don't think it matters. Whoever's killing these people, if they are Catholic or Christian, the killers arn't thinking like us and saying "Oh, they're not really Christian because their Catholics" They are persecuting Jesus, regardless if they're Catholics or not.
  15. breno785au

    Congressional opening prayer ends with amen and the less known awomen?

    That was the worst prayer I've ever heard. Why even bother?
  16. breno785au

    Are WOMEN Pastors Biblical??

    That's pretty much it. Why would the KJV translate it as 'man' where it's actually 'if any' or 'whosoever' ! Literal translations translates that passage as 'anyone'
  17. breno785au


    And I agree, I'm not in favour of it either but I wouldn't say that God is not amongst any of those gatherings. (not saying you believe that [unless you do?] )
  18. breno785au


    What I meant was, how we gather as believers. It has vastly changed since the Book of Acts. Some people look to that as this is how we should gather, others say, the way we gather now is the only way to gather. There is no one way of doing so. That's because it's not recorded in the bible. I...