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  1. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    It's perfectly ok to disagree. I'm just not sure what part you disagree with.
  2. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    So the Ephesians were baptized in water when they believed. Those in Acts 19 twice. So, when Paul later writes to them and says they were baptized into Christ, why would they think it's not their water baptism?
  3. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I suggest Paul is making a larger point here and this can't be applied to baptism. Jew's were circumcised at 8 days old. Their heart was not in it. The bible tells us circumcision is a sign. If baptism is a sign, then the bible would surely would tell us but I've never read that. To take a...
  4. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I believe baptism is necessary, but I do not hold to baptism replacing circumcision. Circumcision was a sign 11 You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. . The bible never tells us baptism is a sign. In our...
  5. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Those men in Acts 19 were not disciples of John but of Apollos. At the end of chapter 18 Apollos comes to Ephesus and preaches Jesus accurately with one exception. He only knew John's baptism. After he leaves and Paul comes to Ephesus, he meets these men. He asks them did they receive the HS...
  6. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I'm sorry but that doesn't answer my question and says nothing about baptism. This was your statement about baptism: baptism is just an outward manifestation of the faith through which by grace, we have already been saved Could you please point me to a verse/passage in God's word that tells us...
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    Yes, I was starting to feel we have been basically saying the same thing. I have been thinking about our conversation and wondered this. If you proclaimed Jesus to someone and when they believed they asked you, what do I need to do? What would you tell them? That's what happened to Peter in...
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    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    I understand it said like this and that's what I believe as well. Looking forward to discussions with you.
  9. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I agree with that passage 100%. So, that verse says not of works . Other translations, the Interlinear, the Greek and the Lexicon say "not as a result of works." That is what the bible says we cannot earn our salvation as a result of our works. I agree with that 100%. I suggest to you...
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    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    I don't even glace at the non-word-for-word translations but you got me thinking maybe I should at times. I'm with you here. I'm not sure I totally understand aspect #2 but aspect #1 is where I would like to have discussions with you.
  11. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    That passage does not apply to us. The thief died before Jesus commanded Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, So, if Jesus said (after His sacrifice) Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved...
  12. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I'm glad you bring up context, it is most important. The part in parenthesis is a parenthetical expression. They add additional information but are not crucial to the meaning of the sentence but rather an afterthought or aside. So without the additional information, this is how the sentence...
  13. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Why do you say being baptized into Christ is a spiritual baptism? Yes, the HS puts us into Christ when we have done what Jesus commanded at the great commission. Believe and is baptized is saved(added) Could you please tell me which of these are NOT a physical baptism? 19 Go therefore and...
  14. T

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Glad to hear you're not a KJV only. That is the only problem I have is when someone refuses to even consider reading another version. I have a feeling after digging into this I might be a core KJV as well. It seems we have some slightly different doctrinal views and I looking forward to...
  15. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    God's apostle says the gospel is the power of God for salvation. We are saved by the gospel. I don't think anyone believes just hearing it saves you. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the...
  16. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    BINGO!! The question posed is a hypothetical. I'm not saying this is the OP's intent, but the goal of this particular hypothetical is not to establish truth but to undermine truth. We need to look to God's word for answers, not hypotheticals. Satan is doing his best to confuse us. If he...
  17. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Jesus said whoever does not believe will be condemned Doesn't matter what the none believer does, until he believes, he is condemned. Now what does Jesus say about whoever believes. That is what we are concerned with. Whoever believes and is baptized(past tense) will be saved(future...
  18. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I suggest to you, John 3 is before Jesus commanded baptism in the name of. The things Jesus said before His sacrifice He said looking forward to the building of His church. and on this rock I will build my church, Will build, future. Looking forward to Him being given all authority and being...
  19. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Which one do you believe? Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved,
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    Some of us are. How are we children of Abraham? IN Christ. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise. God made the promise to Abraham but Abraham didn't receive the promise. Peter says those before were serving us. 10 Concerning this salvation, the...