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  1. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    I suggest people are over simplifying it and don't really understand it. Of these 3,000 that were added to Christ., the bible tells us they were baptized then were added. Is this water baptism? Acts 2:41 So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three...
  2. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    Great question. When Paul writes to the Corinthians, he mentions baptism several times. Which one, if any, are not water baptism? 1 Cor. 1:13 Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? 1 Cor. 10:2 and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud...
  3. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    I agree there are differences and to truly understand God's word we need to understand those differences. God used the words He gave us for a reason, so I like to stick to them and not venture to far away. Yes, when the apostles were infilled with the HS that is what Jesus told them would...
  4. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I find it interesting that your understanding of what baptism accomplishes comes from a passage that has nothing to do with baptism. I'm sorry but God has seen fit to give us a lot of information about baptism. Why not use that information to understand what is the purpose of baptism?
  5. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    I suggest doing some more study on this. Baptized WITH the HS and receiving the HS are two different things.
  6. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Glad to hear you didn't baptize your kids. Babies are not believers, yet. Since you believe you only got wet, from your understanding, what is the purpose of water baptism? Please provide the scriptures you use to support this.
  7. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    I guess you didn't read all of my post. I acknowledge that is spiritual baptism because the bible tells me so. However, those verses are looking forward to the outpouring of the HS. When we actually look to see who the bible tells us were actually baptized WITH the HS, it only happened two...
  8. T

    The Israel of God's people

    I guess I should have been more specific. :) I was asking about what makes someone a physical Jew.
  9. T

    Spiritual Baptism

    I’ve heard people talk about spiritual baptism. I’m not aware of the bible telling us or alluding to a baptism of/by the HS. I’m hoping this discussion will help me to understand how some come to this conclusion and the scriptural support for it. Let me first give my basic current...
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    What if you die before water baptism?

    Those in Ephesus did hear of Jesus by Apollos. He taught Jesus accurately but he only knew John's baptism. Acts 18:24-28
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    The Israel of God's people

    What makes someone Israel?
  12. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    That's the way I understand it.
  13. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    You are correct, John didn't preach Jesus. Paul is not questioning that they are believes. They were taught and baptized by Apollos. At the end of the previous chapter, we see: 24 Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the...
  14. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I see no spiritual baptism mentioned. Based on the context, Paul doesn't question that they are believers. When he finds out they didn't even know of the HS, he doesn't question anything but into what they were baptized. I suggest this shows that there is a connection between water baptism...
  15. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Help me to understand how you see it. Ok, so water baptism leads to spiritual baptism. Could you please point me to some verses that tell us or illustrate that.
  16. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    I'm confused by this spiritual baptism. These believers were baptized unto John's baptism, which is water baptism. Acts 18:24-26. Paul later meets them in Acts 19 and asks them: 2 And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” Now if there is a spiritual baptism...
  17. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Thanks for the list. Maybe I should start a different thread for this. I'm about out of time but for now I will suggest this. Baptism WITH the HS is a real thing but only happened 2 times. Each time was a special situation. If you do a word search for baptized WITH the HS, and read those...
  18. T

    What if you die before water baptism?

    Ok, thanks for clarifying. Could you please point me to a verse/passage that tells us we are spiritually baptized.