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  1. B

    Not By Works

    Exactly calibob. Good scripture, now let us all FEAR THE LORD and FOLLOW HIS PRECEPTS. That is all I have been saying. It is not enough to fear God (trust God), you have to also follow his precepts. The combination of fearing/trusting and following his precepts/doing good works that he before...
  2. B

    Not By Works

    A very good post. I'm so thankful that I'm truting in Christ ALONE for my salvation. There is no other way. But I also trust Christ ALONE, that when he teaches me to follow him and do the kinds of works he did and to bring much fruit into his kingdom, as he has before ordained, that I should...
  3. B

    Not By Works

    The word used in the scripture that we disagree about is "should". You say it is "will", which would imply doing it, or being compelled to do it. I say it is "should", which would imply we have a choice, which implies that we may not do it and in that case may lose our EL. So again, here we...
  4. B

    Not By Works

    Well, I am glad that you are studied up on cult practices.
  5. B

    Not By Works

    Another word for "Vice-versa", would be "right back at ya". You and TT have the same problem that he is accusing me of. We all have the same problem. Our gospels only line up with around 60-70% of what the bible says. If you think I am wrong, start reading, and analyze every vs in the NT...
  6. B

    Not By Works

    That is a good group of men, especially Chuck Swindoll that I feel have a very good handle on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  7. B

    Not By Works

    Vice-Versa TT.
  8. B

    Not By Works

    You are right, but good works we must do. If we are saved unto good works, but do not those works that we were saved to do, then the consequence of our laziness, or our bad learning, or our falling away completely, will leave us outside of EL with God.
  9. B

    Not By Works

    I am talking about the thousands of Christian gospels of Jesus Christ, Period.
  10. B

    Not By Works

    I would like to hope that you are not comparing me to satan in Genesis, just because I believe that being engaged in the great work of the Lord is necessary for salvation.
  11. B

    Not By Works

    What I said stands on its own. And I have said it many times. Good works will not save you. Is that a true statement, or is it opposite of what the bible says. TT you need to let me know?
  12. B

    Not By Works

    As you saw on this forum, Christians are all over the map as to what they beieve about many doctrines. I think I can guarantee that there are no 2 churches that believe 100% of the doctrines of the bible in the same way. That is why there are many thousands of Christian churches. So what is...
  13. B

    Not By Works

    Yes, there is more to being saved, but I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior and it is a stand alone statement. I also believe that one must be born-again by the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This too is a stand alone statement. I have also said that good works is a part of being...
  14. B

    Not By Works

    Is it possible for the Christian churches to be one?
  15. B

    Not By Works

    vs 10 was the vs that we were discussing.
  16. B

    Not By Works

    Read verse 10: 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. We were created in Christ Jesus unto good works and we ""should"" walk in those good works. It does not say, "whoever is saved will do works". We...
  17. B

    Not By Works

    Read Jesus's prayer in John 17: John 17:20-22 King James Version (KJV) 20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may...
  18. B

    Not By Works

    Here is another one TT: I believe that good works can not save you. Is that the truth or is that opposite of what the bible says?
  19. B

    Not By Works

    Here's another one for your TT: I believe you must be born-again of the Holy Spirit. Is that the truth, or is that opposite of what the bible says?
  20. B

    Not By Works

    See Ephesians 2:8-10, given to me by BillG.