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  1. B

    Not By Works

    You are right VCO, IF you are one of HIS SHEEP. His sheep follow him and do what he tells them to do, and as long as they do that, they are safely in his hands. But, if they do not, then they may get eaten by a wolf. It is the sheeps choice.
  2. B

    Not By Works

    I would never imply that God Almighty is weak. But we are weak vessels and the Holy Spirit will not remain in us if we give ourselves over to sin. The Holy Spirit will not continue to live in you if you continue to buckle under sin and live a life that is not reflective of your Christian...
  3. B

    Not By Works

    Because you believe 'love' is not part of salvation, and I do believe 'love' is part of the salvation process, you are giving me the pshycoanalysis? We are not that far apart.
  4. B

    Not By Works

    Once you received it, you gave it. We all must be willing to give our love to everyone.
  5. B

    Not By Works

    Do you realize that when Jesus said this he included himself? Anyway sorry for calling somebody a good person. That was a hugh mistake, thank you for correcting me.
  6. B

    Not By Works

    Have you ever said for me to get off the forum? Have you ever said that you are going to report me? Why would you report me if you didn't want me blackballed from the forum?
  7. B

    Not By Works

    How many Christians do you know that have now left the faith?
  8. B

    Not By Works

    Good story, that is what the Holy Spirit does to a good person. That is why I say 'love' is part of the saving process. Without love, nothing happens.
  9. B

    Not By Works

    These ministers believe that all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you are automatically, and immediately saved in the KOG. So the means to get them to believe is not important, the important thing is to get them to believe and confess Jesus. Once they have done this and they are saved...
  10. B

    Not By Works

    Is "faith" part of salvation? Because it is more important to have "love", than to have "faith", so "love" has to be part of the salvation process too. Your board of pastors have overanalyzed this process too much, and have decided that 'love' is somehow not part of the salvation process, how...
  11. B

    Not By Works

    Thank you calibob, that will be helpful, I'm sure.
  12. B

    Not By Works

    Just the act of believing is a good work. And there is good work that is done before a person believes. One has to be in a position to hear or read the Word of God. Then they have to think about it and maybe even pray about it, or maybe even some investigation with a good active Christian...
  13. B

    Not By Works

    Wow, calibob, you say you have been saved, and then you say these unholy words to a fellow Christian. Do you ever stop and think about what awful words you say?
  14. B

    Not By Works

    How does not having the natural feeling to do good works, once you have been saved and born-again actually CONTRADICT the bible?
  15. B

    Not By Works

    Everybody by now knows my belief system. 50% have agreed with me on this forum. Of the other 50% that disagree with me, most of them have me on no response. Others are continuing to discuss the gospel with me like grown adult Christians. But you are the only one that says that I should be...
  16. B

    Not By Works

    Thank you for that. And the same feelings I have as I serve Jesus, who died for us. We are not far apart. Part of my ministry is to warn people if they do not have this natural feeling to good works, they may have to inquire of the Lord to see if they are really saved.
  17. B

    Not By Works

    You are right, when works are done for the purpose of keeping or gaining salvation. But if works are done because the Holy Spirit guides you to do the works that God has before ordained you to walk in, do you think we need to be engaged in these kinds of good works?
  18. B

    Not By Works

    If the Lord has before ordained you to walk in good works, and the Holy Spirit is guiding you to be engaged in the great work of the Lord, and you refuse to do these great works because of your belief that Christ ALONE is all I need, and if I do these great works it means I am trying to boast...
  19. B

    Not By Works

    They rejected Jesus Christ as their savior. They thought being perfect in the law of Moses would gain them EL. They were mistaken. We as Christians trust the Lord Jesus Christ, and then we are born-again into a new person in Christ, then we are guided by the Holy Spirit to do the works that...
  20. B

    Not By Works

    That is a good story, you have trusted in the Lord, and you are engaged in the work of the Lord to be part of his kingdom and to reach others to bring them closer to Jesus, because of your love for Jesus, and so his kingdom will expand because of your trutst in him and your good works. It is a...