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  1. B

    Not By Works

    Thank you BillG, that is what I believe. Good works is a pure sign that you are really believe in Jesus and you have really been born-again. Perfect scriptures that bridges faith/grace/works.
  2. B

    Not By Works

    Well, TT, let's see if everything I say is opposite of what the bible teaches and see if you are telling the truth: Here is 1 thing I have said almost every day. I believe we must believe that Jesus is the Son of God and our Savior. Is that the truth, or is that opposite of what the bible teaches?
  3. B

    Not By Works

    You are right, that is why there is the process of repentance and forgiveness, and the grace of Jesus Christ to lift us to EL. But if we find ourselves on the downward spiral and we repent not and continue our downward spiral, and we do not receive repentance, we will lose our EL. How many...
  4. B

    Not By Works

    There is no doubt that Jesus can keep his promises. But can you keep your promises against that day, is the question?
  5. B

    Not By Works

    So even though the Lord hates divisions, you are bound and determined to create and maintain division?
  6. B

    Not By Works

    If the Lord said, Thou hast been cleansed. Does that mean you will stay cleansed? Not. There is usually a warning to remain cleansed and not fall back into the filth of this world. Same with Thou hast been saved. Now do not fall back into the filth of this world.
  7. B

    Not By Works

    There are those that declare that they are saved, and are really not. Would you agree with me?
  8. B

    Not By Works

    Did you miss her whole point? She was saying that if we continue to smash each other, we will destroy each other. I happen to agree with her. I know the Lord does not like division in his church. So how can I have my beliefs and you have yours and not have division in the church?
  9. B

    Not By Works

    In your mind, that may be, but not in my mind. And it will be Jesus who judges what we have done as to whether we have EL or not.
  10. B

    Not By Works

    Quit being offended. Give me the Christian right to believe as I wish. I have done the same things that you have done, I am saved too, so let it be. If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore. We are not that far apart, but that slight difference is causing you to be offended. I am...
  11. B

    Not By Works

    The same way the bible writers say, now you are clean from the sins of this generation. But a warning is to you, remain clean or you will suffer the consequences. The Lord says you are saved, but, now be a new person in me and be engaged in my great work, and bring much fruit into the KOG. If...
  12. B

    Not By Works

    It is not some saying it, it is Jesus saying it. If you stop producing fruit, Jesus will prune or purge you to produce more fruit. If you do not respond to the Holy Spirit's guidance, there will be consequences to your actions.
  13. B

    Not By Works

    How can you say that I am proud of my works? You don't know me and what works I do or apparently for what reason. I have gone through the same process that you have gone through. I believed as a young person and I have had a baptism of the Holy Spirit just like you. I have been saved, just...
  14. B

    Not By Works

    Never be offended by the Word of God.
  15. B

    Not By Works

    Fruit is not works. Good works produces fruit. I know this is a brand new concept to try to absorb, but God wants you to be engaged in good works as a new person in the Holy Spirit in order to produce fruit for his kingdom. The word fruit refers to several things, but the number one thing it...
  16. B

    Not By Works

    I can produce as many bible scholars that do agree with me as you can produce that disagree with me. It is my belief that Judas was never really in the true vine of Jesus or he would not have betrayed him. Is the reason you went the scholars route is because you cannot find a passage in the...
  17. B

    Not By Works

    I think that is a way you can look at how good works is part of the equation. But tell me what rewards are given in heaven after you have be given EL? This is a real question, I am interested in knowing.
  18. B

    Not By Works

    Judas Escariot was never in the vine of Christ. The true vine is for only believers. Judas was not a believer, so he was not in the true vine.
  19. B

    Not By Works

    I know that you feel like we need to be engaged in the Lord's work. I know you are engaged in the Lord's work, so why the resistance?
  20. B

    Not By Works

    Shame on me for telling you that we must be engaged in the work of the Lord? You are, I believed engaged in the work of the Lord, why the resistance?