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  1. ebdesroches

    In life

    These things you write are precious experiences that you have had. Please give me time to digest and reply
  2. ebdesroches

    In life

  3. ebdesroches

    In life

    We have so much in common, experience of Him, poetry, why does He love us so much mere creatures, frail children of dust!
  4. ebdesroches

    In life

    Please checkout Charlibear, talljake poems. They and have a passionate love for Him. Magenta has wonderfully inspired illustrated scriptural verses.
  5. ebdesroches

    In life

    I just read your testimony. Certainly few have suffered as you have. A lot of things that seem bad that have happened to you have driven you to be a person that loves Him and you Him. Compared to you, my life has been a dream. Many of the holy ones had very hard lives and many became martyrs...
  6. ebdesroches

    In life

  7. ebdesroches

    In life

    Probably most people think we are odd ducks. I am an odd duck.,.or worse, but i am His odd duck and he loves me extremely. Much better to be His fool than the enemy’s.
  8. ebdesroches

    In life

    I think we are all very unique. He is not far away. I think there are others that are far closer than I am, but for whatever it’s worth: 1. I have felt the presence of God in worship, and continue to know of this presence sometimes in worship. It doesn’t hurt a bit to worship all the time and...
  9. ebdesroches

    In life

    Very likely what you felt was discernment. It comes from the Holy Spirit. Usually His gifts are for the building up or edifying others or the church. This is a possibility since you don’t know Him: maybe our Master is calling you to pray for Him. Our Master is very kind and generous. He loves...
  10. ebdesroches

    In life

    if you are tempted again, resist the temptation and make yourself nothing before him. Bow your heart. Tell Him you love Him. Resisting temptation can be painful. Very likely He will be very close and make you forget the temptation because of His great love for you.
  11. ebdesroches

    In life

    We are the candle, the Lord is the flame!
  12. ebdesroches

    Tender Eyes of Mercy and Oceans of Love

    Tender Eyes of Mercy and Oceans of Love You awaken me at night and I see your eyes of mercy, tenderness from above May I not live to myself, but let me drown in the kindness of Your love Countless are your thoughts of supplying all I need, But I need, I need, and I need more of You...
  13. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    Every once in a while I feel very strongly that He is way too good to me. He gives and gives and He will give to me not only everlasting life but also everything I have or will have on this Earth of His. The greatest thing He has ever given me is the knowledge of how much He loves me. Irreplaceable.
  14. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    Jealously guarding His own, loving the worship of His people, wanting all of His children to be in unity and peace, Glory to Himself without dilution and only Him that He deserves from us.
  15. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    I love the word of God, study it everyday.
  16. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

  17. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    Yes but will you tell me why?
  18. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    This is the way it looks to me: To start with for many decades there was no written scripture but the faith (tradition only) was what brought Christ to successive generations. Also after only a few decades the organization of priests, bishops, Archbishops, .... came into being. There is a...
  19. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    Yes you are right! I don't know all or even part of everything! In fact I hope a real Orthodox person doesn't shudder (meaning I said something wrong) from what I have said. I love the Word of God, like i assume you do! I assume further we are actually brothers even if we do see things differently.
  20. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    The Orthodox church in terms of Administration is broken up into 14 Patriarches with local rule (Autocephalous Rule, meaning they govern themselves in the particular region of the rule they are in). There exists a unit of doctrine and beliefs. Here is a link that gives more details of the...