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  1. ebdesroches

    As a Dart so Shall my Soul Flee to Thee

    Garden is in the same meaning of the poem. The Garden where He clings me and I cling to Him. What i am saying is that my brothers and sisters love of Him increases in me the love of Him. Similar idea of a camp fire, a single twig doest put out much fire but several twigs can start a large log...
  2. ebdesroches

    As a Dart so Shall my Soul Flee to Thee

    We will always cling to Him, we will always love Him, because He loves us so greatly. He clings to us and will never let us go. Thanks for watering my garden!
  3. ebdesroches

    Why I write poems

    In the poems that i write and send out I am hoping to gain in my brothers and sisters increased love of God. They are my worship, thanks and prayers to Him often. I also want to be watered by their expressions and sight, and full hearts of their worship of our living God The great fire of His...
  4. ebdesroches

    As a Dart so Shall my Soul Flee to Thee

    Thanks for your encouragement
  5. ebdesroches

    For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:14).

    Haha, we are likely on the same page, which makes me very happy!
  6. ebdesroches

    For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:14).

    For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come (Hebrews 13:14). Brethren, where are the great cities of Babylon and Nineveh? Today, only lizards lie in the dust of their towers. Memphis and Thebes, were they not the pride of the pharaohs and princes of mankind? Today, it is...
  7. ebdesroches

    As a Dart so Shall my Soul Flee to Thee

    As a Dart so Shall my Soul Flee to Thee What can I return to you for all you are? By Your spirit, I worship, draw me when afar! Speaking to me in Your sweetness Loving me and calming me by Your meekness Spare my soul when parched, my flower blighted For my vine shrivels and dies, without my...
  8. ebdesroches

    To think with Gods leading, to do His wishes

    When a man detaches his mind from earth and opens it to God with the desire to please Him, then God reveals His will in various ways. St. Peter of Damascus writes: “If a man has a full intention to please God, then God teaches him His will either through thoughts, through some other person, or...
  9. ebdesroches

    With Outstretched Arms

    With Outstretched Arms Compassionate Father loving indeed Goodness of God giving us all we need Jesus good Shepard of our souls, searching for the lost Willing to suffer and die and not spare the cost Holy Spirit the fire of God’s love But gentleness as a dove Lord, with outstretched...
  10. ebdesroches

    On Loving God

    Complete in Himself
  11. ebdesroches

    On Loving God

    God wants us to love Him. He does not NEED us to love Him. He is complete in Himself. By his nature He does what He is. He is far greater than overgenerous, overloving, gentle, merciful, kind, humble, powerful...... But what I have found is that there is great pleasure in loving God. Saints...
  12. Jesus, the Lamb of God.jpg

    Jesus, the Lamb of God.jpg

    Through many centuries of time, the discerning Prophet Isaiah foresaw the awesome sacrifice on Golgotha. From afar he saw the Lord Jesus Christ led to the slaughter as a lamb is led. A lamb permits itself to be led to the slaughter as it is led to the pasture: defenseless, without fear, and...
  13. ebdesroches

    Is Avoiding Sexual Sin Required for the Christian? Is it Possible to Avoid Sexual sin?

    Collosians 3: Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: 6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
  14. ebdesroches

    Is Avoiding Sexual Sin Required for the Christian? Is it Possible to Avoid Sexual sin?

    I am not qualified to tell anyone else what is right. All i can do is to say what i think is right for me. However, the truth is not relative, if i have the same Holy Spirit in me that another Christian has, likely we will believe the same thing. The basis of what i should do with my body is...
  15. ebdesroches

    For the Love of You

    For the Love of You You apprehend us Father, Sweet, gentle lover of heaven, Our hearts awakened by You, despite our leaven The thoughts of You, loved One, are in You begun Hearts by lips, tongues, and breath praise you, oh most Holy One Guide our hearts day by day to make...
  16. ebdesroches

    HOMILY on the weakness of man before the majesty of God And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead

    HOMILY on the weakness of man before the majesty of God And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead (Revelation 1:17). It was St. John who fell as though dead when he saw the Lord Jesus in glory. St. John—the Beloved Disciple of Jesus, the Evangelist, the chaste one, the one who loved the...
  17. ebdesroches

    A sinner

    Simplifying all i wrote: By this it may be seen who are the children of God and who are the children of the devil: Whoever does not do right is not of God. (1 John 3:10) Simple.
  18. ebdesroches

    A sinner

    From a friend: In Baptism, we were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light - qualified - made able to successfully battle against our flesh - saved from futility, by grace. After being born again, we must fight the good fight of faith, we must abide (remain) in Him...