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  1. ebdesroches

    Global Christianity Overview

    Several other sub videos (North America, Asia, Africa…etc)
  2. ebdesroches

    I submit

  3. ebdesroches

    I submit

    Ignore the Catholic “things” At least I hope you can do that. Central message is right
  4. ebdesroches

    I submit

    I understand how you feel! Lots of things will keep you and me from that state of mind and Spirit, hold on to the loved One (trinity!) and remember the love and goodness of God when it gets tough and He can not be found (then testing is in progress, remember and endure)
  5. ebdesroches

    The Net and the Hospital

    Thanks for the encouragement!
  6. ebdesroches

    The Net and the Hospital

    The Net and the Hospital In the net, a magnificent haul! Saints, unbelievers, thugs, lethargic,cold and frozen, sweet people, God’s aroma. Many called and then the chosen! Our father spoken, Peace expressed, hugging the next, His love lace, the lamp of the eyes, the warmth of the voice...
  7. ebdesroches

    Trusting in Him, Knowing Him and Drawing Close

    Ps 13 5 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me. I love those words! I love Jobs' words: though He Slay me yet I will trust Him. He sure put a lot of strain on Job. I have never suffered like...
  8. ebdesroches

    Adue to “the raven “ evermore

    Al Codero De Dios
  9. ebdesroches

    Why we worship

    We worship Him because our love for Him cannot be contained! His spirit at sometimes will overwhelm us with great pleasure. He wants to love us more than our spirits can take.
  10. ebdesroches

    The Beautiful Ones, the Kingdom of God, He loves Us

    Can you see how beautiful the children of God are? I belong to them and they belong to me. I love them! The Kingdom of God is very close. The heart worships with the angels, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts. With an open hand He makes us love Him. What else can we do, He loves us so...
  11. ebdesroches

    Flesh confess

    Every sin counts. It’s not that He understands and sweeps it under the rug. He is merciful, and yes we agree, ask the Holy Spirit to help me have a sensitive conscience. I think he wants me eventually be as perfect as I can be in this life. He and I have the same goal!
  12. ebdesroches

    Flesh confess

    If we ask Him for forgiveness, He forgives us. More than that we don't believe what He has said! Also if the sin is intentional (all sins are!!!) don't do it again! If our heart is planning on doing the sin again, I don't think He forgives. My problem is that my heart isn't sensitive to know...
  13. ebdesroches

    Be still

    I hadn't read your poem before I wrote mine. See how similar. I didn't realize I had picked the same theme!
  14. ebdesroches

    The Tempest and the Ark of My Soul

    The Tempest and Ark of My Soul Buffeted by the waves, uncertain world Come quickly, please don’t go! Navigate the tiny ark of my soul I am weak, You are strong A firm foundation as life moves along Waves break over the bow, timbers creak and cry Not breaking, stayed by the Mighty...
  15. ebdesroches

    Only Him

    Water for my spirit thanks
  16. ebdesroches

    What are UFOs to you?

    My son (who I believe) saw some alien aircraft on a Oahu North shore a couple years ago. These occurrences appear a lot of places throughout the year. Maybe not reported because not much you can say about what they are. Yes something going on but who knows what. I suppose that is what this...
  17. ebdesroches

    Springing Fountain

    Springing Fountain Hidden, indescribable, Lord, you are always are speaking, Speaking your beauty in creation and Your loving seeking Spirit, melody, effulgent joy, springing fountain My spirit yields to You, highest mountain You write in me Your joy, Your love, Your peaceful accord...
  18. ebdesroches

    A promise you can count on

    When the time comes may we be strong, courageous and know that we belong to Him, love Him, and are His children and never fail Him! A Promise You Can Count On Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Blessed are they which are...
  19. ebdesroches

    The Fire Will Never be Quenched

    Our hearts will never be quenched from the fire you have set in us Burn brighter in us every day to obey and love you more Humble One we beg You to bow Your majesty to give us Your kiss and fully embrace us again and again Supreme One how glorious You are
  20. ebdesroches

    Continual Worship

    Hebrews Chapter 13 14 For here we have no continuing city, but we seek the one to come. 15 By Him let us offer the sacrifices of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. The idea of this is to never be separated in our worship of Him, to always be...