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  1. oyster67

    God, math and science

    Yet we choose to build upon the sand fed to us by unabashed atheists rather than feed and build upon God's Holy Word. I see nothing entertaining about what I am saying here.
  2. oyster67

    God, math and science

    I have no interest in American politics.
  3. oyster67

    God, math and science

    Who is this Tucker Carlson?
  4. oyster67

    God, math and science

    Nothing about your eyes or reason says 13 billion. We know exactly where that figure comes from, and it is not from God or His Word.
  5. oyster67

    God, math and science

    Winner winner chicken dinner. ;)
  6. oyster67

    God, math and science

    The level of Joe Christian's ignorance and gullibility concerning such matters is amazing. Satan and his children in the scientific communities must be laughing their socks off at us. They all know what fossils are and that none of the original material actually remains. Just hardened materials...
  7. oyster67

    In the beginning

    Amen. All those genealogies contain the names of real people, and they can be utilized to compose a real timeline. People who question God's account of the creation of the universe usually end up questioning the validity of the genealogical timeline as well.
  8. oyster67

    God, math and science

    Nice to see that you are a step ahead of many of the modern anti-creationists. Only six days to accomplish all that. Some folks cannot discern the difference between 6 days and 13 billion years. Math didn't profit them very much.
  9. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    You seem to question every answer just for the pure joy of being obstinate. I am finished with you. Get your kicks on someone else's time.
  10. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    Revelation 11:3 “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.”
  11. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    Why do you think they are called the Two Witnesses??? :confused::unsure::sneaky:
  12. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    Every soul matters to the Lord.
  13. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    The end is yet future. The Lord is not yet finished with His people.
  14. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    It is frightening to think of whatever else might have sunk into your soft head. An imagination wild and free have thee.
  15. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    God has been working with Israel ever since her inception and shall continue to do so till the very end. This is not difficult to grasp. The Word of God continually reminds us that we, as well as Israel, must abide in the vine. This is not exclusive to any particular book in either OT or New.
  16. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    Easy as 123. Yes. That is the Second Coming. He brings Church Bride down with Him and gathers all saints, Trib Saints included. He comes down to rule on Earth for 1000 years. No Rapture back up to Heaven. Wedding is a done deal at this point.
  17. oyster67

    The meaning of salvation

    Nowhere does it say such. Ephesians 2: 8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk...
  18. oyster67

    The meaning of salvation

    One must call upon the name of the Lord. One must accept Jesus' Atonement as payment in full and ask Him to be their Lord and Savior. Open your heart's door today, dear friends. All have been born in sin, but salvation is available to whosoever will humbly come. John 3:16 “For God so loved the...
  19. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    Surely the AC shall be all things to all people. A real Jumpin' Jack Flash.
  20. oyster67

    Up Up and away

    This is speaking of two men. This is not a mass rapture.