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  1. oyster67

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR

    Did Jesus Die on The Cross for The Just/Elect/Saved Whose Names Are Written in The Book of Life OR 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
  2. oyster67

    Shabbat (Intent-- not Timing)

    I think we do well to meditate an both aspects. We need to take time off from business to contemplate on the Spiritual and Everlasting. We were not created to just be wind-up bunnies. We need to look up to the Great Energizer in the sky! :D Acts 17:28 “For in him we live, and move, and have...
  3. oyster67

    Shabbat (Intent-- not Timing)

    Amen. Good post. :)(y)
  4. oyster67

    Can anyone else define these terms as they are used in the Bible?

    Understanding the context and having a firm grip on the rest of Scripture certainly will aid in "understanding what the text is saying and not saying." You seem to have a psychological need to reinvent the firmly established "wheels of the Word". I visualize you as stumbling around with eyes...
  5. oyster67

    The meaning of salvation

    You are one of the rare few that has trouble understanding John 3:16. Certainly thou dwellest in the midst of dense fog.
  6. oyster67

    I have a question

    Yes, Paul does a fine job of bearing witness of himself. Paul as much as says he is doing this. Paul, Barnabus, and Apollos were men. Jesus was God. The Gospellarians quoted the sayings of Jesus. Paul made some mistakes that needed correcting. Scripture is clear on this.
  7. oyster67

    I have a question

    :eek: I think you might have just dug up the golden bone here! :p
  8. oyster67

    I have a question

    I am sorry, brother Job. I will try to be silent now. :censored:
  9. oyster67

    I have a question

    Oh my! I feel so dumb and foolish now. :confused::unsure::oops: ...Mag has probably already eaten the chicken dinner by now! :cry: Sorry Nehigh. :(
  10. oyster67

    I have a question

    All of the Gospels contain "the Death Of The Testator, Jesus Christ". The birth of Jesus is certainly part of the "Good News". I think that this may even be what Gospel means.
  11. oyster67

    I have a question

    Yup! :D Magenta wins the chicken dinner here folks! :p(y) I opened my NT up at the midpoint and came out in the early part of Acts. Paul had not yet contributed anything.
  12. oyster67

    New Member

    Simple is nice. :)(y) Welcome, dear sister! (y):coffee:
  13. oyster67

    Old dusty prison chaplain

    I would say that about Post-Trib Rap Theory.
  14. oyster67

    Old dusty prison chaplain

    Welcome, dear brother Sam. :)(y) A Mid-Tribber then? You believe that God's wrath does not begin until the last 3 1/2 years? That's ok. As long as we got Jesus and His Atonement right. I am a Pre-Trib still 'cuz I believe that The Trib (7 years) starts right off with the First Seal (and that is...
  15. oyster67

    I have a question

    I would feel much more comfortable if Paul used less "I will"s and more "God wills". I guess we must let Paul be Paul and give him the benefit of the doubt. I certainly can't see Jesus turning away someone... He could have at least bought her a cheeseburger at McD's! :rolleyes: It's no wonder...
  16. oyster67

    I have a question

    God would not have us come across as patronizing or condescending. I think this is more of a general understanding interpolated from many Scriptures rather that one particular verse. Giving someone/anyone the benefit of the doubt is more virtuous than profiling and judging. James 2: 1My...
  17. oyster67

    The meaning of salvation

    John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
  18. oyster67

    Can anyone else define these terms as they are used in the Bible?

    Disagree. Context is of utmost importance. For determining sound doctrine, one should consider all scripture that pertains to the topic at hand. Your tunnel vision is not an asset.
  19. oyster67

    Can anyone else define these terms as they are used in the Bible?

    An ever-present sense of God's presence no matter what the situation or place or time may be. We must first train ourselves to acknowledge Him. Proverbs 3:6 “In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
  20. oyster67

    Can anyone else define these terms as they are used in the Bible?

    The Bible speaks of Jesus' desiring to do His Father's will many times. To "will" in modern English is now accepted as a verb as well as noun. Having to bend over backwards to explain such things can be tiring after a fashion.:rolleyes: