He already did it. There is no need to keep Him on the cross like Catholics do. Jesus now SITS at the right Hand of the Father. He already paid the sin debt. "It is finished." Those were His words. Before I believed, long before I came to believe, I wondered like you do about why He had to do it. Your last statement to Annointed makes no sense. We cannot acknowledge ourselves a sinner without having a sense of some measure of personal responsibility.
I was taught when he died for our sins he died once and for all of them. Past, present and future. @dcontroversal; Here's your specialty.
Either JESUS paid the sin debt of the world, and this is applied by faith and when God sees the blood he will pass over us or...no one is saved and everyone will bust hell wide open when they die................
The bible is clear and after salvation the only bearing sin has on a believer is fellowship and reward..........SIN is not the issue.....faith is.....
ALL that place JESUS back on the cross when we sin have no understanding of the word!!
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