The gifts are not temporary there is no indication in scripture that they are at least not in the sense that they happened and no longer do and technically if we are still on the subject of tongues as described in my op empowerment may be a better fit when I am given a prophecy I don't choose when it is or what it is but when your lead by the spirit you follow the flow if you try to do it when you are not lead to do it then it feels fake almost like something is blocking your flow
The last days according to some started in 1948 when Israel returned to their homeland as prophesied that they would but in these last days his spirit is supposed to be poured out on all flesh that is POURED out meaning in abundance we don't see that these days and prophecy often times works like history does it repeats itself some prophecies are not a one time fulfillment I suppose it is partial fulfillment as Israel is not at peace yet but they didi return to their land
I have been sickj for a while so I will have to go back to re read all the posts made but I saw one about the devil doing tongues and speaking without moving their mouths and being decieved while doing it but that is not in scripture only in movies and also is exactly what ventriloquism is not unholy speaking in topngues.