I believe what you have written here ^ is contrary to all of the biblical evidence stating otherwise (regarding "us" / "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY"... and "our Rapture [/ SNATCH; G726]"... which pertains SOLELY TO "the Church WHICH IS HIS BODY" and not to all other saints of all OTHER time-periods: not to OT saints, not to Trib saints, not to MK saints... none of whom were promised "rapture [/SNATCH; G726]"
I get it. You don't want to go through the great tribulation. No one wants to. I don't even. But I'd rather not stick my head in the sand and fantasize that God is going to physically take us out of harm's way before the antichrist become the one-world ruler. That's not what the plain reading of the Bible says. You don't even need to study ancient Greek or any of the other original Bible languages, no need for a particular translation even - they all say the same thing: That the Lord Jesus is going to pick us up AFTER the great tribulation.
Why fantasize about pre-trib rapture that isn't going to happen, when you should be building up your faith to be able to endure. If you do that, God will keep your saving faith intact and not fall away to take the mark of the beast.
Anyway, just please prepare - go ahead and fantasize about pre-trib all you want, but please prepare for post-trib. Please cover all your bases. You will not regret doing so.