Your argument is null and void. I don't believe homosexuality is a sin.
Belief or lack of belief makes no difference to reality. Surely you wouldn't say that because I believe the bible is very clear about homosexuality being a sin, that therefor it becomes one for all..
Now, if the bible does declare homosexuality to be sin(which the evidence certainly suggests strongly) then the only thing left for us is to conform to that truth. Even if we don't like it. For to resist it, would be to resist the very word of God. Being that, the bible is inspired.
We can close our eyes, plug our ears and scream "LALALALALALA!!" but that does nothing to change the fact that we're standing on the train tracks, with a locomotive barreling straight for us.
Why would I warn people against something that's not bad? That's like saying "don't be born black, it's bad bad bad."
Skin color and homosexuality don't equate. There is very little scientific evidence that a person is born gay.
Despite that, it doesn't matter. Sin is sin bro... Black skin doesn't violate the marriage covenent. Sodomy does though, regardless of whether the person committing such act is white, black, red, or purple with pink polka dots...
Also, let's not insinuate.
So, if you were calling ME a lemming, try again. I'm going against the grain of typical mainstream Christianity to follow what I believe to be the truth.
Well, I wasn't but I said if anyone was being called a lemming it would be you. Myself include, if I weren't doing my duty. I know you're against the grain, and that was kind of my point. Think about who your "peers" are, and look at the picture again. You denounce biblical christianity repeatedly, so I doubt you'd claim us as your peers.
It's not the popular opinion no matter how badly most conservative Ann Coulter/Fox News-worshiping "Christians" would like it to be so they can feel victimized and in the minority.
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to get at here. Could you please elaborate?
Most Americans (especially in the South where I live) still believe it to be a sin to some degree, or at least frowned upon. I couldn't care less what you or anyone has to say on the matter.
We believe that homosexuality is a sin, because the bible compels us to.
You people always go around bashing others for their sins (or "sins" in this case) when you don't look at the hypocrisy and sins of your own groups, leaders and media outlets. You all bash and bash and cast stones, but the second anyone brings to light YOUR side's inadequacies, sins, problems or mistakes, they are instantly God-hating atheist pigs. Even though many God loving Christians look down upon the tactics of the far right's religious extremism.
Why does everything with you come back to Democrat vs. Republican? Can't we just have a discussion about, "is action X a sin?"
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't believe I've been bashing or casting any stones. Pleaes provide examples if I have. In fact, if you recall, I made an offer to give you a list of sexual sins I've commited. I do not forget my own wrongs. By all means, call out the wrongs of others. If I was running toward danger, I would hope you would try to stop me. If I saw you running toward a 40 foot cliff, I'd try to stop you, because I love you as a brother in Christ. Would you have enough love to do the same for me? To stop someone from running toward that 40 foot cliff? That's what we do when we refuse to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We let people continue as lemmings, trapped inside the delirium of the powers and principalities.(eph 6)
First two minutes, pay attention por favor; maybe it'll be easier if some music explains it.
YouTube - ‪The Arrows Next Time‬‏ <--- click
So next time you decide to bash Christians like me who are progressive, just know that we are the ones spreading God's love to people and converting people by the heart and mouth, not by the fire and brimstone.
Shallow, sure, I'd agree there. Fire and brimstone might motivate, but it's only deal-breaking. However, if that's what it takes, wouldn't you say it's better a person be saved from fire, than unsaved by neglegence?
Jude 1 said:
17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold.
18 They said to you,
“In the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires.” 19 These are the people who divide you, who follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Spirit.
20 But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit,
21 keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
22 Be merciful to those who doubt; 23 save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear—hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.