At 1:26, the video tries to claim that there is a conflict between an all-loving God and an infinate punishment. When you do this, you are assuming there is some kind of Objective standard to fairness. The atheist must deal with this, before they can make any claims about something being unfair.
However, within Christianity, it's really quite simple. All that need be concluded, is that God is the Objective standard of fairness/love/justice/mercy/morality/etc etc.. or as carm put it below..
CARM said:
When people ask these questions, they are appealing to what they perceive as fairness. They are looking at the issue from their human perspective. But this perspective is not necessarily the right one. If God exists, and He does, then it is He who is the One who says what is right and fair, not us. So, we need to see what the Bible says about what is right regarding sin and salvation and make a decision afterwards.
At 1:43... there is a mischaracterization of omnipotence and the Judeo-Christian God. The classic questions of, "Can God create a one-ended stick?" "Can God create a rock he can't lift?"...
However, this is similar to the above. Via, the Transcendental Argument for the Existance of God.
The Transcendental Argument for the Existence of God | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry <--- why laws of logic prove God exists
At 2:16 he continues with 1:43, asking, "can god kill himself?" When the question might as well be a nhonest one, and be phrased as.. "Can God defeat his omnipotence with His omnipotence?"
Around 2:45, he claims that he is omnipotent... yet he obfuscates the definition of omnipotence again. As he is not capable of doing all things logically possible. The theist is not argueing that to do something such as God killing himself, would be a conflict of nature, but rather, it is logically impossible given maximum power. Humans, don't have maximal logical power.
At 3:45 he presents what is known as the Argument Against God's existance from Free Will. This is only a problem with Libertarien Free will. Not Comptabilism or something such as Molinism.
Argument against God's existence from the impossibility of omniscience and free will: | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry <--- click
Around 6:58, he doesn't proceed on it but mentions the problem of evil.
Hour long lecture by WLC.
YouTube - ‪Problem of Pain (William Lane Craig)‬‏ <--- click
Another hour
YouTube - ‪The Problem of evil and suffering- Dr William Lane Craig‬‏ <--- click
Part one of yet again, another.
YouTube - ‪The Problem of Evil - Dr. William Lane Craig (Part 1)‬‏ <--- click
7:52 he says, "perfect beings don't make imperfect choices"
1) Human aren't perfect beings
2)This kind of goes back to the whole, "Why did god make adam and eve if he knew they'd sin"
Without understanding the full-end result, it would seem puzzling. However, this is simply solved again, by accepting that God is the Objective standard of perfection, if he choses, while we may not understand, it would be a perfect choice (amongst the choices available of choice). Additionally, this choice is tied directly to his immutable nature.
Around 9:00 he makes the classic, "so many options, all must be false!" claim, while also inserting the genetic fallacy of "you're religion X because you were born in a family that was religion X." It's also a bit misleading as to the situation of "choosing" that which is the most true religion.
From there, he basically just re-caps everything.