Can you explain this further? It sounds to me like you don’t see your own value. Or is this having something to do with being a “trophy?”
Hi Ben!
Well, let me ask you to think of it from this perspective.
* Have you ever been in a situation where you were romantically involved with a woman who was addicted to porn, and wasn't remorseful about it or even trying to fight it, treating it as a "natural" part of being human and having sexual feelings? (While she is still saying she is a Christian, talking about God regularly, and praying.)
* How would you feel if she left pornographic things out and commented how hot the men were in them? And what if you walked into her room and found it decorated with pornographic pictures of men?
* Have you ever gone to pick someone up for a date, found them sleeping on the couch, and then saw that they were watching a hardcore pornographic movie to fall asleep to on their TV -- because it's still playing?
* Have you ever noticed that Japanese porn (which seems to be a big draw for a lot of guys) features women with porn star bodies -- and the faces of 12-year-olds? How would you feel if your girlfriend was attracted to men who look like adolescent or prepubescent boys, but are expected to have fully-grown adult -- and highly exaggerated -- bodies?
* Have you then tried to find a romantic partner who wasn't into porn, because you were tired of having your heart shocked and broken?
* Have you ever considered self-harm and/or suicide because you are tired of only finding more of the same?
It doesn't matter how much you study the Bible, or how firmly you believe in your own value in Christ. Unless you are a much stronger and much different person than I am, these things are going to shake you to your core.
Now, I'm most certainly not wishing these things on anyone.
But unless you've been through them, I honestly don't know how to explain it to you any further.