Hunters safety has a portion where they speak about the stages of maturity a young hunter goes through, one of those is where they half to shoot every bit of ammo they have lol! Fortunately as we mature we get beyond that and the highest level enjoys being out and seeing all the beauty of his Creation that He has given us to share, and we may not ever have seen any game.
This, I believe, links to gratitude for His may blessings.
My grandson is a great example and is very mature and safe with firearms.
We really enjoy pouring in the life lessons, our responsibility to ourselves, family, others, etc. How their parents are watching them all the time to determine of they are grown up enough to move into this next level of becoming adults and good citizens.
I like to use the phrase, " the more grown up you are the more of this stuff you get to do, the less grown up you show them the less of this stuff you get to do". The watch the eyes open up!
When a young man wants something his ears open up and he pays attention!
blessings all