And as I said, the way that it was written [it] seemed to be referring to the futurist view as contributing to the fluff. The futurist view is the only valid view, period! Because it is God's view. I have already pointed out that each one of those subjects that the OP listed have yet to be fulfilled, ergo, they are future events. The only way to claim those other views is by distorting the word of God.
Regardless of what you or I believe, the futurist view is not the only way to interpret the relevant passages. Frankly, I think the speculation inherent to the futurist view is silly, and I know it has borne bad fruit. I don't necessarily agree with any interpretive position. I don't need to hold to 'the opposite' view to criticize any particular view, and criticizing a particular view does not mean that I hold to any other particular view. However, most people (around here especially) seem unable to comprehend that, and instead are quick to pigeonhole, demean, and even slander those who don't agree wholeheartedly with their view.
Really? I believe those other views as false and damaging to the word of God. God did not give us His word so that there could be multiple interpretations. Take the resurrection for example. The full preterists claim that the most end time events have already taken place around the destruction of the temple in 70 ad, including the resurrection. Regarding this and during Paul's time, Hymenaeus and Philetus were teaching that the resurrection had already taken place. Because of their teaching, Paul said that it was irreverent, empty chatter, which will only lead to more ungodliness and that it would spread like gangrene. He also says that because of their teaching they had wandered away from the truth and were overthrowing the faith of some.
Therefore, teaching that the resurrection has already been fulfilled, is a false teaching with eternal consequences.
That is just one Biblical end-time subject
Therefore, regardless of all these other views, there can only be one true view and that is why so many of us who have studied these issues are adamant about how and when these events will take place. I don't give credence to those other views, because I've already gone over them up and down and inside and out. In fact, the reason for all of these other views is because we are living in the last generation and Satan is using them by finding foot soldiers to carry them into the church, kind of like ant poison, where ants go into the little dome and take back the poison to the rest of the colony, killing them.
Another good example is this nonsense of the church going through God's wrath and being gathered after the Lord returns to the earth to end the age. Believers are supposed to be watching for the imminent appearing of the Lord, not the wrath of God! By putting the church through God's wrath they ignore the fact that Jesus already suffered God's wrath, satisfying it completely so that the wrath of God no longer rests upon the believer. By their teaching, they also put the church through the same wrath that the wicked will go through, even though we know that God does not punish the righteous with the wicked.
So, some of these 'other views' are damaging and have eternal consequences for those who believe and teach them.