Usually when people say things like "Something is clear" it means that they want it to be. Only the unrighteous dead are judged at the great white throne.
Revelation 20:12-13 is absolutely clear; I saw the dead, great and lowly standing before the Throne....everyone was Judged by what hey had done....
The only Judgment before this event, is of the nations, when Jesus Returns. Matthew 25:31-33
You are greatly mistaken! The last trump does not take place at the GWTJ.
As Paul says in 1 Cor 15:52, That is when the 7000 years decreed for mortal mankind is over.
When the resurrection of the church takes place, which is prior to the opening of the first seal,
The only people resurrected when Jesus Returns, are the martyrs killed during the 3 1/2 year control of the world by the 'beast'. Revelation 13:5-10, Revelation 20:4
The first Four Seals are open now, evidenced by all the wars, famines and plagues we have had through this Christian age. The Fifth Seal is all the martyrs from Stephen, their souls are kept under the Altar in heaven. They 'sleep' there, but God does allow them to cry out at certain times.
When Jesus appears, His voice will sound like a trumpet saying "come up here" where the dead in Christ will rise first in their immortal and glorified bodies. Then immediately after that, those still alive in Christ will be changed in a flash, immortal and glorified and will be caught up together with those who will have just resurrected. At this point the entire church from beginning to end will be gathered together in the air with their immortal and glorified bodies, where the Lord will take us back to the Father's house to those places that Jesus went to prepare for us, that where He is we may be also.
1 Cor 15:50-56 is a prophecy of what happens at the GWT Judgement. Proved by only then is Death no more. Revelation 21;4
What it does say, is that those who have stood firm in their faith during all that must happen before Jesus Returns, will be His Priests and co-rulers ON EARTH. Revelation 5:9-10
The New Jerusalem does not come until after the Millennium. Revelation 21:1-7
Jesus resurrected immortal and glorified and when we see Him, we will be like Him. Why in the world would the Lord resurrect His church to take us back to heaven in these bodies that decay and die?
After the Millennium, God Himself and therefore heaven; will come to dwell with us on earth. Revelation 21:3
In opposition, the church will have already been judged at the Bema seat of Christ in heaven some thousand years prior.
The prophecy in Matthew 25:31-46 is the Judgment of the nations, not the Judgment of individuals. Verse 46 will happen at the GWT, after the Millennium.
Proved by Zechariah 14:16-21, where the nations must come annually to worship at the Temple.
You still have to explain how the entire church and the great tribulation saints can rule over the nations with Christ during the millennial kingdom.
The earth will just continue on; springtime and harvest, for 1000 years under the benign rule of King Jesus. Only at the end will Satan be allowed to again seduce the peoples and that rebellion is quickly disposed of. Revelation 20:9-10
Paul says no such thing! Where do you get the idea that this scripture is speaking about after the millennial kingdom? I Cor.15:51-53 is synonymous with I Thess.4:16-17. It's the same event. It states that we (living believers) will be changed, which is the Greek allasso defined as: to change: to cause one thing to cease and another to take its place, to transform, i.e. immortal and glorified.
That is a convenient apologetic, yet false. Abraham, Lazarus and the rich man had died and were down in the comfort area of Hades, along with all of the other OT saints. On the other side of the chasm, was the rich man and all of the unrighteous dead. It is the latter who will be resurrected and will stand to be judged at the GWTJ.
So, people cannot just teach different views of God's word and without suffering the due penalty for those false teachings.
Jesus said we must take care to not be deceived. So it is possible for good Christians to be deceived and Paul says that people will listen to teachers of fables and refuse the truth. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
The fact that Christians have been deceived and believe fables, is quite evident by this discussion, where one of us must be wrong in our beliefs and teachings. In fact it seems that everyone who has an interest in Bible Prophecy, has a different take on what will happen in the end times.
What is for sure, Jesus will Return and all what is prophesied to happen before that glorious Day; will happen. Only those people who have stood firm in their faith and trust in Him thru it all, will go into the Millennium. Matthew 22:14