I read FGCook when they said, because Christ died to wash away the sins of those he died for.
That ideology isn't Biblical. It is representative of Calvinism and those groups that teach the tenets Calvin did and that are compiled in what is called, TULIP. Each letter defining the whole of the meaning of what Calvin believed about Jesus and what it means to be saved according to Calvin.
One of those false beliefs is that Jesus only died for people God chose to save before he created people who would need saving.
This of course necessitates accepting the converse, if one believes that first part. And that is, that conversely, God also chose to create people whom he would let to die damned in their sins because he didn't choose to save them before he created people.
People who believe that nonsensical unbiblical teaching of course are absolutely certain they're one of the lucky saved ones.I didn't know it when I joined, but I happened upon a Christian forum that was wholly committed to Calvinism but didn't inform people beforehand. I didn't walk that talk and they banned me.
Calvinist people represent the deadly sin of pride. And arrogance as well. From my experience there, they'll never change their mind about what they think is Calvin's Jesus because they're certain they're saved and you're not.
First of all, as I have told many on this forum, I have never consulted John Calvin's writings, and from what I have been told about them, there are beliefs that he has, that I do not agree with.
The truth of the doctrine that Jesus taught is found in the harmonized, divinely inspired, scriptures. Scripture proves scripture, and should be the only source of counsel that we need to glean the truth of Christ's doctrine, along with the revelation of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us, and the assistance of a Greek concordance. If all of the scriptures do not harmonize with each other, we do not understand the full truth of the doctrine.
Sorry about my post being so long.
About your remark of who is delivered eternally, and who is not, we cannot determine that. King David, because he ordered Israel (God's elect) to be numbered, caused thousands of the people of Israel to lose their lives, as punishment from God, for trying to number Israel.
I am assuming that most of the people on this forum are of the elect, otherwise, they would not be on this forum trying to defend what they think is the doctrine of Christ. Many are called to be God's adopted children, few are chosen to be revealed the doctrine of Christ.. This is probably where you determine the boasting to come from, but, remember, if all of the scriptures do not harmonize, then you do not understand the doctrine.
The scriptures tell us that the truths, contained within the scriptures about the doctrine of Christ, are hidden from most of God's elect, in which I fail to understand God's reasonings in the matter, except what Matthew tells us, in 11:25, that they are hidden from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes.
What we should be doing on this forum, is to be discussing the scriptures, calmly, and with respect, for the purpose of trying to harmonize the scriptures, so that, those of God's elect, that are living on the milk of the word, can mature enough to enjoy the meat (doctrine) of the word.
This is why Jesus instructed his Apostles to go and preach to the "lost sheep" (babes in Christ of the elect), of the house of Israel. The "house of Israel" is "the house of Jacob" (God changed Jacob's name to Israel, Gen 33:28), Jacob is representative of God's elect Rom 9:11, and consists of every tongue, and kindred, and people, and nation, Rev 5:9.
Some of God's sheep are lost because they do not have full knowledge of God's righteousness, and are going about trying to establish their own righteousness, by their good works Rom 10:1-3.