Found this on Google. No mention that the letter 'u' represents 5 or has any value whatsoever.
Roman numerals. Letters of the alphabet used in ancient Rome to represent numbers: I = 1; V = 5; X = 10; L = 50; C = 100; D = 500; M = 1000. The numbers one through ten are written I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X.
As you wish.....times times and half times is 42 Hebrew luna mo. X 30=1260 years
A day unto the lord is a year unto man....
Numbers 40 days wandering
Dan 7 times times and halfx
Dan 8 .....23 days 2300 yr from transgressor taking away and making desolate
( 2nd advent )
Ezekiel lay on side 39 days
Jesus Christ go tell that fox I do cures cast out demons today tommorrow the third day I will be perfected. 3 years
Like I said uv rays or no sun god pagan uv rays....
No other entity can match global iron and clay mixing in can't happen and you have to understand what Dan 8 says.....a king stands up by no power of his own after the gentiles come to full power Iron is the Roman empire....that was divided not conquered into ten horn kingdoms.....Justinian decree gave church and state power to the RCC little horn beast
They had 3 tribal king uprooted because they were christians that refused to follow the RCC
and another
They persecuted the saints 1260 years. They suffered a feadly wound to death to the head the pope
They recovered and have church state power still
Nation unto themself
United Nations
There is no other Iron Clay kingdom power mix
Iron=Rome Clay=Christianity
If you think you know something with a u and a v
Tell me who the Iron Clay mix is ???????