all who are saved do obey him
they are not saved because they obey him (except for obedience to the gospel, which is believe on the name of Jesus and you will be saved)
As Paul said to the Corinthian church, when he spoke of sins, and who people were and that hey would not enter,
he he told them, and such were som of you, but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified,
he never said they stiped thise sins, some still struggle with those sins, he said those sins were not who they were anymore, the were new creatures
Here words can have two meanings.
Obedience here is not obedience just belief, so Jesus's meaning is lost, though the words
appear to agree.
This is why the conversations are on purpose miss-leading, and where agreement seems to
have been reached, it just has not happened.
Once you take a sentence, redefine it and then agree with it, I call this deception.
It is like a child saying to a parent, you told me not to climb that wall, but I know you
meant to accept you are my parent and climbing the wall did not matter, so I went and
did it, and it is ok.
Nope, that is rebellion and inventing an excuse to continue in rebellion while appearing
to still keep the relationship going, while undermining it and ignoring it all the while.