There's more.
Non demeaning, non sarcastic, non cynical, non wise-acre, non prima
Donna, non center of attention, non reactive, non defensive, non spiteful,
non vengeful, non tattle tail, non gossip, non gambling, non drinking, non
tobacco, non meth, non drifting through STOP signs, non mean spirited, non
toxic, non feminist, non boisterous, non belligerent, non piece of her mind,
non butting in, non disruptive, non interrupting someone speaking, non
filibustering, non war of the sexes, non gender bias, non over my dead body,
non separate bank accounts, non my money, your money, non you owe me
one; non sink or swim, non snap out of it, non end of discussion, non get
over it, non get used to it, non ultimatum, non this is the way its going to be
from now on, non you're wrong, non ugly remarks, non thoughtless comments,
non cheap tip, et al
March is our 35th anniversary. My wife no doubt has many equals; but there are no women better.