Look ..you can have all the doubts you want and call that faith...but its not...its doubt! I know faith and I know real faith when I see it...I have not seen anyone on this thread that should doubt there salvation except those who are claiming to be under the law (which is not of faith) and demand that others share their doubts.
My point was that just because you think you are secure in your faith and saved, does not mean you are actually saved.
If the way you are walking does not match up with scripture then you are not a child of God.
No repentance, no baptism, no confession, no forgiveness, no helping of others in need, no attempt to abstain from sin, no conviction when you sin, no feeling of Godly sorrow when you sin, continuing to walk in the same sins day in and day out.
If you feel that you don't need or don't feel any of these things in your walk then you need to look at your walk in the faith and correct yourself in the areas that you are lacking. Paul says if you are lacking in your faith, then you are illegitimate and not sons of God.
It is not about causing doubt, it is about showing love to our fellow brothers and sisters and helping them to correct the ways they are still walking contrary to the word. A mere belief does not save anybody, only a faith in which you are a hearer and a doer of what the Lord Jesus Christ said is a true faith.