So what this really boils down to is that the common man cannot trust resources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc) at his disposal and cannot use his God-given brain to obtain his own understanding unless he's an "educated" man who's been "educated" by other "educated" men. Otherwise, he MUST accept whatever the "educated" man tells him because that "SPECIAL" knowlege that the "educated" man has is necessary for him to understand anything for himself.
The problem I have with this is simple. While God's thoughts and ways are so much higher than us, He made things simple for us because He knew that's what we needed. Man complicates things, but He makes them simple. He made the gospel of salvation so simple a little child can understand it. Man wants to make it a reward for his works, but God gave it by grace. I love the simplicity that is in Christ! And those with a child-like faith He blesses and uses in His kingdom work. When he inspired the New Testament, it was recorded in the common man's Greek.
I find the record in Genesis chapter one simple and sufficient for me to put my faith in, which is, by the way, even more important to God than us using the brains He gave us. If we'd use the brains He gave us more, we'd put more faith and trust in Him (Who always tells us the Truth) than what man tells us to believe.
“He made the gospel of salvation so simple a little child can understand it”.
And yet, unless a child is presented with this gospel, how can he believe in what he has not heard? And moreover, unless this gospel is evidenced before him, how shall he decide between the conflicting messages of the gospel and its presentation. How many who have heard the gospel, did not believe it or receive it, because of the gross contradiction in what they had been told, and what they had witnessed in the lives of those doing the telling?
Furthermore, the older, and dare I say, more indoctrinated into the world system a child becomes, this gospel in all its childlike simplicity becomes yet more difficult to understand and to believe. “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” and again “The sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so".
I want to be careful here not to insert into the text what was not intended, however, it occurs to me that all laws are given by God, this would include those of a physical variety as well as the spiritual. Gravity is not a law, and of all the physical theories, the least understood, but I digress.
Which leads me to the conclusion that, in the same way which the mind of a child can be corrupted to make the gospel almost impossible to comprehend (notwithstanding that apart from the influence of the Divine Spirit the gospel is veiled to even the most keen of minds) therefore, if the spiritual laws of the Creator and the Gospel (mystery) are understood with even greater difficulty in the passage of time and worldly influence, the same would hold true for the understanding of Gods physical laws as well.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. For
as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Here to me is a strange thing. We claim to know and understand Gods spiritual laws and His gospel. But our obvious differences of opinion belie this fact. Or as Paul plainly stated “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away”. And yet, when it comes to Gods physical laws (or rather our understanding of them) we acknowledge no such partial understanding, no mystery, or His “higher ways”. Indeed, we are even more dogmatic in our assumptions. And while in spiritual matters, with all our varied opinions, at least we attempt to credit the Holy Spirit and Holy Writ with our conclusions, in physical matters we are almost entirely dependent not even upon our own personal observations, but the observations of others. Others whom, in most cases we would not trust for a single moment their conclusions or observations on spiritual matters, because generally speaking the scientific community on the whole is at enmity with God.
For all the wonderful advances made by science (not my personal belief but the general consensus), science has also given us the atom bomb, biological weapons, abortion, evolution, transhumanism, gender transition, et al. And of course, the theme of our current raging debate, Heliocentrism. Science would have us believe that from nothing, in a large bang, sprang all the known matter in the universe (a word which cannot be found in the Bible) and this bang placed the sun at the center of our solar system. A pretty miraculous event for a group that does not believe in the miraculous I would say. Or, “God said let there be light, and there was light”
in conclusion, for my part, I put no faith in the scientific community whatsoever. What began as an endeavor to understand the workings of Almighty God in creation and His natural laws, has devolved into a religion opposed to the Creator on nearly every substantial point. The purpose no longer being to explain the works of an infinite Mind, but to explain away the influence of this Mind into absolute obscurity.
I do not trust science. Judging by the fruits of this poisonous tree alone, any professed believer should be highly skeptical of anything that comes out of this religion, and a religion is exactly what it is, as dogmatic, deceptive and exclusive as any cult that’s ever been.