There is no "special knowledge" - that is the whole point - it is the "scientific authority" that claims to have "special knowledge" that you do not possess - which you choose to believe rather than trusting your own observation with your own God-given senses. Flat Earth folks tell you the knowledge is free - [that] all you have to do is look at it - but, you would rather live in the MATRIX with your ears, eyes, and mind closed.
You really are deceived if you directly equate or relate 'highly educated' to/with [the] 'real truth' without thinking - never questioning - never verifying - what you have been told.
And, therein lies the real problem - people don't want to think for themselves. And, they would rather place "highly educated" people on a pedestal rather than hold them accountable to the claims that they make.
It is not about "special" knowledge, it is about expertise, I am not sure how that can be denied. A physicists has expertise in the area of physics right?
There are scientific/mathematical realities, not just about the shape of the earth but in general, no?
It is about "special knowledge" - when I have more time, I will see about writing a post to explain it...
The absolute majority of people do not learn physics beyond the "simple basic stuff" from a high school level education.
The "special knowledge" that I am referring to is that which goes "well beyond" that level - which the "scientific authority" claims to have at an 'expert' level - about [virtually] all things, no less. And - the truth is - a great deal of that which is "beyond that level" is [simply] "made up" - having the 'math' to "back it up" - serving as "proof" of the "reality" of it.
What you need to realize is that - to a great degree - the 'illustration' of them having all of that "special knowledge" is nothing but smoke and mirrors - to give the common folk the impression that they are "
the authority" on all-things 'science' - so as to convince you to believe whatever they tell you.
I am
not saying that
none of it is true; rather, that a lot of "make believe" is mixed in with the true to create the intended effect in your mind - acceptance of - and a high regard for - the 'authority'.
When I say that there
is no "special knowledge", I mean that the common folk - in general - have all they need to examine the real evidence - without any necessity of obtaining the truth from the 'authority'.
In other words -
you are the 'authority' - insomuch as you are willing to "unbrainwash" yourself so that you can see what is plainly right in front of you.
All of us were "brainwashed" from birth - taught to "not see" the truth about the world we live in. And, until a person is "unbrainwashed" - they will continue to see what they were taught to see and not the true reality.
With regard to 'expertise' - some-is-some-is-not. A great deal of this is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Not saying all. It is just not what most people have been led to believe. I can deny every-day-of-the-week some of the [so-called] 'expertise' that is just an exaggerated 'prop' to
sell 'authority' - because I know it is fake.
You need to understand that - "just because the math works" - does
not mean that the
concept that the math is being used to 'illustrate' is true. Math is a very good illustrator of concepts but does not itself prove anything but the 'validity' of the concept
in mathematical terms. If the concept does not actually match reality - while the math may be good, the concept is still false.
At this point, you will probably think to say:
"But, we all know that 2 + 2 = 4."
The 'math' does not make it true - the thing is true without the math - the math only illustrates the concept. The concept is true. Understand?
I am
not saying that "all math is fake" or some such silly thing; rather, I am saying that there are things that math is used to "prove" that do not actually match reality.
Math is a 'language' that illustrates concepts/ideas - whether or not they are actually true.
In a nutshell, I am saying that you do not need "special knowledge" to recognize what is true. However, the "brainwashing" you have received all of your life can get in the way...
A person has to
want to see the truth - swallow their pride - "unbrainwash" themselves - before they can see it...
"Truth is available only to those who have the courage to question whatever they have been taught." - (author unknown)