I was wondering just last night where you and Darlene are at in your getting settled in Tennessee
Hopefully you will be settled in your new home very soon and get back on track with a new job. Have you been making applications anywhere? Would you like to keep working in a bakery? Surely bakeries are busy at this time prepping for Christmas. My goodness, it is so close now
The whole year has seemingly gone by in a flash
I haven't applied for employment yet but rather waiting to get settled in first as there are still a lot of little details to work out and working now would tend to be disrupting. As it stands now, I really don't even have an address. It does look however that we should be moving into our new home by the end of the year.
About the bakery, there is a super Walmart less than a mile from where we are going to live. I thought about applying for a position in the bakery department as I am quite familiar with that position. I don't need to earn a lot of money just enough to supplement our income. Yeah, get the bakery job and then seriously start thinking outside the box and pursue a position outside of my comfort zone.
I really don't believe that I will ever fully retire as I function best in a working routine. Still, I am very close in reaching the point where I can work if I want to and not need to. I will turn 66 next month but still feel pretty good physically. I might, by the grace of God be able to have a mini-career of 5 or 10 years.
Through the years, even when I was single, I felt that eventually I will finally leave the workplace in a body bag. Of course, to be able to continue working, even part-time I will have to quit smoking. So, I quit smoking to live long enough to die at work.
I have a saying that "It's not so bad if you think about it". Perhaps I have I tendency to over-think things and waste a lot of precious time sweating the small stuff. Or maybe I just thrive in chaos. Hard to say. My late father-in-law use to ask me what it is about me for doing the things that I do. I said "Dad, I don't know. I'm not a psychiatrist".
What I really want to do and called to do is to do whatever it takes to be a loving and faithful husband to my wife in all respects.
Crazy huh?