Figured I’d switch back to this thread since things are more clinical right now. So far dad was having huge difficulties concentrating, circular thoughts, slightly suicidal tendencies that he did once or twice on a whim, and so we took him to the ER. Turns out he has a big infection in the fluid accumulating in his stomach, and that may account for the sudden behavioral changes.
He also may be very depressed. He has been making some statements to the doctor shrinksbthat apparently have been concerning so they may admit him to a psychiatric hospital....
Hi steph just to say that when my aunt gets infections, sick etc. It causes massive changes
in her behaviour and thinking. She gets confused, shouty, rather unpleasant to be with.
She also has vivid dreams and wakes up thinking they are real for hours after, very grumpy.
Depressed, blames everyone (Well me) for everything etc. She also hallucinates.
She is 82 now and every time it’s happened over the last 5 years, medical staff have
instantly thought she had dementia. Every time they have been proved wrong when
things have eventually settled down.
Even once the infection has gone it’s taken in some cases, weeks in others months
for things to settle down.
Recently she was in hosp for 10 days with suspected sepsis. The day she went in she was
coherent, then they put her on IV antibiotics for 6 days then powerful antibiotic
tablets which she later came home with. But a week at home she still had signs of
infection so she’s just coming to an end of the second course of anti biotics now.
Shes been home for 2 weeks now and is only just starting to show signs of the confusion
clearing up. But we are still having “out of your mind” strange stuff happening.
Its normal for ill people to feel depressed, especially when they are facing cancer.
Some of my friends have had cancer.
Its normal for people with infections to go a bit crazy, as infections change blood and
brain chemistry. By the way it’s also normal for people on very strong pain killers
like morphine to be affected mentally as well.
Its not that they are going mentally crazy, it’s a clinical physical issue. Any self
respecting psych doctor will know that and to be honest, the last thing a medically
sick person needs, is a psych ward as they probably won’t get the correct medical
attention they need. Maybe a medical ward would be better if anything as they can
monitor the levels of infection in the blood stream.
Over the years I’ve had to beg and plead with doctors to treat my aunt as a
physically sick person and treat the source of confusion, rather than a mental patient!
If they hadn’t done then she would have passed away by now as every time there has
been a medical issue to address. Severe confusion, sleepyness everyone though she was
just old. It turned out she had COPD and low oxygen levels. She is now on oxygen 24/7.
Severe confusin, aggressiveness, they thought she had dementia. Turned out to be a UTI
caused by a hospital bladder cathator.
Out of her mind on another planet, hallucinations. Turned out to be due to infection,
and subsequent reaction and delerium due to antibiotics.
Tiredness and sleepyness again, turned out to be dangerously high potassium levels,
caused by her medications.
Im not saying your dad has all these medical problems by the way they are just examples
of how physical problems affect you mentally.
At most he might need Counsilling due to the cancer. There might be things he can tell
another person and share with them that he can’t speak to family about for example.
Or to see if he is having a reaction to the treatments, he may need a medical opinion.
Also look up the side effects of infections and the treatments he is having. I’m sure
immunology has known side effects which is why they use it as a last resort rather
than a first resort.
Oh and he wont lose his salvation just because he is too sick to think properly, too depressed,
too tired to get his thoughts together and think things through properly. God is too
gracious for that, He knows our strength and weaknesses.
Hope this gives you some encouragement.
I know how upsetting it is seeing a person you care about being so ill and be so
bad tempered, depressed, take it out on you even. But it’s not them it really is
the illness talking and they don’t really mean it.
It does take some getting use to though and it can be very upsetting to see.
Will be praying for you.