I guess this answers my just posted question.
So, do we all agree that the Scripture says God hardens hearts? @GHW
Haven't we already also agreed that people are complicit in and are the first to harden their own hearts?
Haven't we also agreed that all God has to do to harden hearts is to provide opportunity for people to continue to disobey Him?
@PaulThomson Does it really matter how we use the same grammatical construction to describe something? IMO we put too much effort into trying to protect God and keep His character in line with what we think it should be. This is probably what pushed Paul to reference the Potter and Clay analogy. God doesn't need protecting and He does what He wills and His will matches His perfect character in all its attributes and conforms to His omniscience.
I don't see this as being that difficult. He is working to accomplish whatever He wills to accomplish at any given time with any and every person on the planet while simultaneously keeping the universe in order to the most minute particle as He wills it.
I'm not great an analogies or making up parables, but here goes: If I know my neighbor is a thief (he's already in unrepentant rejection of God - he has hardened his heart) and I leave my keys in the car knowing he will steal it, then in effect I have hardened his heart and he has actually hardened his heart even further. The purpose for my doing so may be manifold.
God's purpose in hardening hearts are obviously even more manifold and He doing so in omniscience seeing how it plays out in all its interconnections and through time, as well as His doing so coupled with His perfect character means He can also use such hardening to glorify Himself, to reveal His wrath against all ungodliness, to push people to repentance, to push people to their inevitable end who He knows will not repent and use them all as He the Potter chooses to work all things for good as He defines good.
He wills all to be saved. He wills the second death for all who will not be saved. Love and Righteousness and Justice are perfectly coordinated. His thoughts & ways higher than ours.
Scripture says He hardens hearts. I believe Him. And I don't think He is to be messed with or second guessed and I don't think I'm able to protect Him nor that He needs such.