I would like to say that’s I believe that sometime in eternity past, God took his proverbial pen, and wrote down in the book of life every single soul coming to his party. That book is sealed until an appointed time, and only Jesus Christ has the power to open it . There will be no erase marks, or “fresh ink” . Those names that are written in the book will spend eternity in the bosom of their loving father.
Those names in the book will be imputed with the Holy Spirit, and their salvation will be revealed and sealed at that appointed time. There is nothing we, or any other entity in existence can do to thwart the outcome. Why? Because God said so.
Those names not written in the book will not spend eternity with their maker. They will receive eternal damnation, or justice for their sins. There is nothing that we, or no other entity in existence can do to change that. Why, because that is the will of God .
We have absolutely nothing, zero. Nadda, to do with our eternal destiny.
I don’t believe an all powerful, all knowing, perfectly pure God would put the choice of who is going to tread his holy court, and be in his eternal presence into the hands of a marred, sin-filled, imperfect being. It is heresy to me. It makes a perfect will weak and fallible.
I believe that Christ’s first order of business was not to set an example, but to save with power and surety. Why? Because it was the will of God.
Know the truth, and the truth will MAKE you free. There is power in all truth, especially God’s divine truth.
This is that truth: God is who he says he is, and Christ was sent by him to give eternal life to those names written in the book of life, and there is nothing that you did to earn it, and there’s nothing you can do to lose it. Our salvation is 110% of God, and 0% us. Our belief is imputed by God through the Spirit of truth, and that is the ONLY requirement needed for our salvation.
If your name is not in the book of life, you will never possess true saving faith, and you will get justice, what you deserve.
My belief that I’ve explained will hit with power those that are truly saved, and will be disagreed upon by those who are most likely not.
There are two kinds of Christian’s: those who believe they are saved, and those that believe, and are saved.
“For God created all things for his own good pleasure, yeah, even the wicked for the day of evil.” (Prob. 16:4)
Judas was chosen to betray Christ, and Christ said it would have been better that he was not born at all than to be the one to betray the son of man. Mary was chosen to give birth. Both are equally important in Gods will for the salvation of mankind.
When we know the truth, and we serve God out of gratitude and humility because for no other reason than he loved us, he gave us eternal life, and it can and will never change, we can love and please him freely.
“We love him because he first loved us” a piece of scripture that is not out in the forefront of popular ones, but it a powerful one. It confirms the truth, and if you know the truth, than this is why (the foremost reason) that we love God. If you love God for some other reason firstly, I would question the doctrine you believe in, and possibly, even your salvation.
I’m going to shut up now. Thanks for letting me comment. May God bless you and all you love.