Reality is the way the Universe works, I suppose. It's best measured using a scientific methodology, and using logic and reasoned argument. For me, truth is reality accurately described using language.
I am here to engage, although my presence here and the questions I pose will be seen as a provocation by some. If a Christian says something that I think is willfully ignorant, dishonest or morally bankrupt, then I will call it out. I have debated on other Christian websites, such as Theologyonline, and I gained some really good philosophical insights.
I don't believe the Bible is a true account. There will be some truth in it for sure but I think it's convoluted and deeply flawed as a manual for life.
I understand exactly where you're coming from, and I have to say I'm am truly impressed by people like you that are actively seeking truth where ever it leads. I've met a few since I was born again (the last almost 6 years now

), and I am grateful for it. I was NEVER like that. I was perfectly fine like letting the TV tell me what to think. If it wasn't work, family, or the matrix of "entertainment" around me being blasted through our brains for hours daily. Any though about the nature of reality, or any deeper meaning to life was nowhere in my mind at all ever. One thing about my conversion I noticed the other day when an ex-heroin addict was testifying that his mother and her pastor went in his house when he didn't was to go and brought him out. And I here so many like that, where Gods people/family have helped lead them to Jesus. It wasn't like that for me, it wasn't a new argument, or earth shaking discovery, slick mouthed pastor, or any man that lead me to Him.
Like I've said 1,000 times (not to you of course, and this wasn't a "jab" at you at all) when I hit my knees broken, and the end of my power, "my way", I saw it was the futility it was, I had NO power to change it, and at this point I though I had already done this whole "Christian Thing", and when I hit my knees I did not call out to Him, if I had every believed at all in God, I didn't then. It was God that pulled me out of the house. I think you should keep doing this right her. I am sorry if some come off a bit dismissive and overly aggressive. This doesn't excuse it at all of course, but you know the internet, and to be honest people like you are rare, so give a little slack, but I LOVE you are here, I wish it was full of people like you for both sides to learn more about the others beliefs, and to learn more about the how's, when's, what's, and why's of their own belief systems and how to share/defend what they believe better. I understand the disconnect between us, and it's the spirit in us. Before God saves us we had a dead spirit. Dead.
This was the result of the fall that all humanity in born into. Call it unfair, can it unjust, but this is the reality, you are born with a dead spirit and there is NOTHING you can do about it in the flesh. As a matter of fact outside direct revelation from some kind of Creator we would never even have hope of figuring out what the problem is, and I know in our modern world full of crazy fiction, stories, false religions, etc...., believing this stuff seems foolishness. Talking snakes, worldwide floods, virgin births, forgiveness of sin, the kingdom of God, there is s lot there that is foolishness to those who are perishing. they can't see the truth, they can't see there is more than what we are born to, more than the flesh can offer. They can’t see Jesus is King over EVERYTHING. You can’t even fathom the spirit dead in you. Come to Jesus to find life. He resurrects you spirit and reconciles it to His. It’s the very truth of all reality.