There are no scriptures on falling back and laying on the floor.
Have you ever considered that the reason people are not answering you was that there are not any here that are into the falling back, slain in the Spirit, hype?
What makes you think that people who believe in the biblical gift of speaking in tongues are also going to believe in the falling back hype? You seem to think that everyone who believes in speaking in tongues believes in falling back and laying on the floor in church and that is not true at all. You thought your weird "wonderment" espousals were sure argument winners but NO ONE KNOWS what your are saying. That is why you get CRICKETS.
Yes there are people in the charismatic churches that do that. But it is not part of any teaching or doctrine concerning the gift of tongues and if you think that is what pentecostals teach you are misinformed.
In the past two years I have not seen anyone in my church fall back. There are probably some that would do it if the conditions were right for them but we do not have ushers standing behind people in expectation to catch them so that is probably why they do not do it.
When people do this in churches were there is someone there to catch them, I think they are just doing it because they are conditioned to. Maybe they think they will have a vision or something, I have no idea why they do it. I have never done it. There is no scripture for falling back and laying down when someone prays for you. I have heard people testify that they felt what they describe as the power of God come on them and they get weak in the knees and find themselves on the floor and having some trance like experience with the Lord where he speaks to them about something personal. I don't know what to say about that. I will not call them liars. I will leave it between them and God.
The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. Which means God does not force people in the new testament gifts. Those who prophesy can stop when someone else has a prophesy and let them have a turn. Or someone with the gift of tongues can not give it if there is no interpreter. God does not FORCE them to speak. So I do not see it as a scriptural concept for someone to say GOD FORCED me to fall on the floor. Nevertheless I am not going to call them demonized. They might just be being emotional in their pursuit of an experience with God. I would rather have a church full of hungry for God people like that than a dried up judgmental pharisee who looks down their nose at every emotional seeker of God.
Have you ever considered that the reason people are not answering you was that there are not any here that are into the falling back, slain in the Spirit, hype?
What makes you think that people who believe in the biblical gift of speaking in tongues are also going to believe in the falling back hype? You seem to think that everyone who believes in speaking in tongues believes in falling back and laying on the floor in church and that is not true at all. You thought your weird "wonderment" espousals were sure argument winners but NO ONE KNOWS what your are saying. That is why you get CRICKETS.
Yes there are people in the charismatic churches that do that. But it is not part of any teaching or doctrine concerning the gift of tongues and if you think that is what pentecostals teach you are misinformed.
In the past two years I have not seen anyone in my church fall back. There are probably some that would do it if the conditions were right for them but we do not have ushers standing behind people in expectation to catch them so that is probably why they do not do it.
When people do this in churches were there is someone there to catch them, I think they are just doing it because they are conditioned to. Maybe they think they will have a vision or something, I have no idea why they do it. I have never done it. There is no scripture for falling back and laying down when someone prays for you. I have heard people testify that they felt what they describe as the power of God come on them and they get weak in the knees and find themselves on the floor and having some trance like experience with the Lord where he speaks to them about something personal. I don't know what to say about that. I will not call them liars. I will leave it between them and God.
The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet. Which means God does not force people in the new testament gifts. Those who prophesy can stop when someone else has a prophesy and let them have a turn. Or someone with the gift of tongues can not give it if there is no interpreter. God does not FORCE them to speak. So I do not see it as a scriptural concept for someone to say GOD FORCED me to fall on the floor. Nevertheless I am not going to call them demonized. They might just be being emotional in their pursuit of an experience with God. I would rather have a church full of hungry for God people like that than a dried up judgmental pharisee who looks down their nose at every emotional seeker of God.
What about crying, or Jumping and laughing in joy as the lame man at the gate beautiful did after being healed ? Acts 3
what about the men in the garden who came to take Jesus when HE said " I AM HE" they fall back as dead men. Flesh and blood will not stand in the presence of God. Yet many who use the showmanship that I have seen on TV is ridiculous. The Hily Spirit does not need a staged show. But having too seeing people fall as the power of God come upon them and when they get up are healed is pretty exciting and Praise worthy,
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