then to me they did nto have faith.
I think we read just on this site many who claim to have faith. While in short order we see that it is nominal faith. I.E saying they believe, which is easy enough.
What is obviously absent is Conviction. Conviction of the Holy Spirit that indwells God's faithful so we understand the things of God. Which we are told is not possible for the natural person who is in the world and dead to the things of God.
again, shows me they did nto have faith in god. they may believe, but the belief never progressed to faith
I read God's teachings as that what tells us no one can come to Him, who is Jesus The Word made flesh, unless He leads them. And once led He indwells them so that His teachings then resonate as Truth. Whereas otherwise they are seen as foolishness.
I think that fact is reiterated on forums. When we read those who say they believe and yet they do not accept God said what he says in His word.
Instead they abrogate,alter,change,rework, the passages of Scripture to their preferred version so to make it more palatable.
Because as I read them it is obvious they don't like what they're told because their material god,self, has to retain control of what they insist gives them the power to work their faith. The "I" am in control fixture.
I choose to believe in God. I know God said that is true and I can come to faith because I choose to. I am saved because I believe it and in Jesus.
Their I overshadows what The Truth teaches about the power of the real I.
I Am,that I Am. God.
Which is why they all deny God's presence in His Word that tells us He predestined those whose name he wrote in His Lamb's Book of Life, those whom He foreknew, to conform to the image of His Son. And insist instead they choose to have Jesus accept them because they know his name and chose to be there as Christian in name only. And Jesus concedes.
Which is what they do when they deny God's teaching regarding His Predestination of His Elect,The Saints.
"I choose Jesus.And He agrees."
That's not what God teaches.
Yet that I doctrine of self helps explain why they cannot divine Gods words. Though they think they are able to. And even reword His word to feel correct in their belief they are His.
They prove the things of God are foolishness to them when they try and clean up what is God's word to their liking. And then they defend their manufacture. The doctrine of man.
It's all in Scripture. That's why I see those persons as a reiteration ,proof, Gods word is eternally perfect and true.
Because those we were warned about appear and do exactly what He said they would.
It's a glorious revelation.

Imo of course.