Please be not so merciless with us. We are not the enemy. I suppose we met in heaven. And then all differences are gone. Praise the Lord
We can still love one another on the forum, regardless of whether we agree or not on our theology. I enjoy it when you guys give me a run for my money, and I give it back just as well. We are never going to agree, I know, but if we did agree on everything, I would find the forum boring. It is the conflict that makes involvement interesting.
I think that when some get personal and nasty, it ruins a thread. I call it kicking the player instead of the ball. But dealing with pelicans like that is what the moderators are for, and I have reported nasty personal posts mainly to save the thread from going down the gurgler.
So, keep firing your salvoes, I can take it, and I can give it back as well.
Blessing to you all
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