foreshorten (Although we will indeed foreshorten the reign of the Whangdoodles, to foreshorten the Whangdoodle name itself to such a descriptor as "wd" would indeed foreshorten the grand amusement associated with the Whangdoodle problem.
No problem with the loan of my lab coat. I hope it was of assistance, and that it did bring a greater safety reward than you had initially envisaged.
I agree with your concept of the antediluvian world. I believe some of the incredible accounts of Atlantis may have actually been of this, and if so, it likely was a technologically superior age. The bible does talk about the corruption of the Earth and giants (due to the corruption of women by fallen angels), and I too think this corruption of the Earth was at least in part genetic (and hence a reason for the flood). I think Icke has a lot of truth, but am wary given his background. 'Though he speaks against Freemasons, others suggest he may be one. Either way, I believe he likely is part of a great delusion. In his earlier days, he claimed to be Jesus, and is therefore an anti-Christ by definition. I am unaware that he has repented of this blasphemy.
You don't sound bonkers to me - the older I get, the more I am seeing crazy things coming true which were once regarded as "conspiracy theories". I believe there is some sort of link between demons and reptilians - whether these are one and the same entity, or whether reptilians are an abominable form of life brought about by similar gene corruption as practiced pre-flood, but I've read of too many accounts of reptilians to disregard that there is some truth to the accounts.
I do indeed believe the process of gene corruption is happening again, and wonder if the "mark of the beast" will be related to genetics (or gene-modifying "vaccines"). I don't know if you read an article recently about artificial wombs expected to become available for the general public in the near future, in order to produce children. My thinking is if this technology is being made available now, it must have been around for 20 - 50 years already for those behind the scenes, and I don't want to even imagine what abominations have been spawned from it or similar technology.
I haven't read the Omega Conspiracy, but it sounds like it may be along similar lines to what I believe.
I hope your week was full of smashingness, but if it was tainted by reptilians or corrupted genes or beards, that these were suitably foreshortened, bowdlerized or otherwise excised so far as possible!)
No problem with the loan of my lab coat. I hope it was of assistance, and that it did bring a greater safety reward than you had initially envisaged.
I agree with your concept of the antediluvian world. I believe some of the incredible accounts of Atlantis may have actually been of this, and if so, it likely was a technologically superior age. The bible does talk about the corruption of the Earth and giants (due to the corruption of women by fallen angels), and I too think this corruption of the Earth was at least in part genetic (and hence a reason for the flood). I think Icke has a lot of truth, but am wary given his background. 'Though he speaks against Freemasons, others suggest he may be one. Either way, I believe he likely is part of a great delusion. In his earlier days, he claimed to be Jesus, and is therefore an anti-Christ by definition. I am unaware that he has repented of this blasphemy.
You don't sound bonkers to me - the older I get, the more I am seeing crazy things coming true which were once regarded as "conspiracy theories". I believe there is some sort of link between demons and reptilians - whether these are one and the same entity, or whether reptilians are an abominable form of life brought about by similar gene corruption as practiced pre-flood, but I've read of too many accounts of reptilians to disregard that there is some truth to the accounts.
I do indeed believe the process of gene corruption is happening again, and wonder if the "mark of the beast" will be related to genetics (or gene-modifying "vaccines"). I don't know if you read an article recently about artificial wombs expected to become available for the general public in the near future, in order to produce children. My thinking is if this technology is being made available now, it must have been around for 20 - 50 years already for those behind the scenes, and I don't want to even imagine what abominations have been spawned from it or similar technology.
I haven't read the Omega Conspiracy, but it sounds like it may be along similar lines to what I believe.
I hope your week was full of smashingness, but if it was tainted by reptilians or corrupted genes or beards, that these were suitably foreshortened, bowdlerized or otherwise excised so far as possible!)
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