prick (I'm having second thoughts on Whangdoodling..... Y'see, I've spoken to my lawyers and life-insurance salesman, and they've suggested maybe it's not the wisest choice to consent to Whangdoodling, before having at least a hint of whether it could be good or bad... And my Chief Historian has advised there actually is no such thing as rebel Whangdoodles - despite their noxious nature, Whangdoodles are very conformist. Also, my Chief Scientist has advised that one cannot just wake up one morning and decide to become a Whangdoodle - Whangdoodles are born, not made, y'see... So if you aren't one, you can never be one... They are in effect, accusing you of being a faux Whangdoodle!

I know, it sounds bad, but the logical extrapolation is that your Whangdoodle meringue pies are therefore faux Whangdoodle meringue pies, and any Whangdoodling derived thereof would likely be faux Whangdoodling, the consequences of which, are even more unknown than plain Whangdoodling... )