entrancing (I did like the old Star Trek episodes.
🚀 I don't think I saw too many, and not those you mentioned (unless one was where the two planets were at simulated war, and were supposed to disintegrate their own people when they took a hit, and Kirk and Spock challenge the other planet to a real nuclear war, and then they negotiate a peace?
🌏 🌍 I liked that one). I tried to watch them some years ago to catch up on what I had missed out on, but Captain Kirk seems to get smoochy with every new girl he meets in each new episode.
💋💋💋 I didn't notice that before, but it made me too uncomfortable to watch now!

Obviously, Whangdoodles, being the morally depraved kind of creatures they are, don't take issue with that sort of thing. That's why we're suffering a veritable plague of them at the moment!
🦑🦑🦑🦑🦑 Probably Star Fleet should have invested in another bunk for the Captain's quarters aboard the Enterprise, so Kirkie could've gotten married and taken his wife along - it might've doubled his productivity with Star Fleet related issues, rather than chatting up girls for half an episode every weekday...
Did the mobster you met on your way to Chicago happen to leave you his business card? I've just received Benny the Whangdoodle Hitman's invoice for - as you say - "putting things to rest" - and I'm wondering if the money wouldn't have been better spent on a discount faux hitman. Unfortunately, I haven't met any useful hitmen on my own travels, although I did once sit next to a group of men I mistook for terrorists.
💣 Fortunately, they turned out to be some kind of Jews which dress all in black, and the plane landed without event. By the time I realised I was incorrect in my intial assessment of the men's intent to destroy the plane and all on board, we were disembarking and it was too late to ask for a business card.
Don't worry too much about your work. As many Whangdoodles will often say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull Whangdoodle. And none of our customers like their hats made from dull Whangdoodle skins. So do like myself, and relax, and Jack will be a shiny, happy Whangdoodle. Happy Whangdoodling!
