On the other hand, I think the vast majority of Hebrew Roots types actually do think other Christians are sinning by non-observance.
Oh, yeah, I agree completely.
But I understand why.
My position would be that they aren't observing the Festivals in the biblical manner to start with, as there was a requirement for all males to attend in Jerusalem per Deuteronomy 16:16. Virtually none of them go to Jerusalem, but they observe them in some non-biblical way and claim that's acceptable to God. One woman I know simply pitched a tent for the Feast of Tabernacles one year in Australia and thinks that's observing the Feast. The Law required building a Sukkot of specific materials available in Israel, AND living in this Sukkot for the 7-8 days...few really do that.
Don't be guilty of the same legalistic thinking many of them are guilty of. Instead of insisting on their legalistic correctness, I would rather hear you tell them they don't need to be so legalistic about the exact procedures and conditions for keeping the feasts. But, yes, I agree that they don't recognize their own hypocrisy in regard to the letter of the law they accuse us of not acknowledging.
An interesting point about the Feast of Tabernacles, I think the law says living in booths is exclusively for the native born Israelite.
Oops, there I go playing the same legalistic game we don't like them playing. But you get the point. I honestly think you could erect a booth, sit in for a while thinking about how we are tabernacled in Christ and worship God with praise and thanksgiving from the heart doing it. And, using it as a teaching tool to illustrate to your kids the spiritual truth it represents. I wish I could sit here now, the Father of four grown kids who talk about when they were growing up how dad taught them the spiritual truth of the booth in the back yard he erected every year. Not in a pathetic legalistic, almost angry way, but with joy and gladness and peace.
By the way, they would call me a "legalist" for pointing out their omissions, all the while believing that they are the true worshipers of God due to their observances
Lol, that's what I was getting at. I don't think it valuable to point out a person's legalism by correcting their legalism.
Their response would be that they don't need to attend in Jerusalem, and they don't need to build a Sukkot using the Scripturally defined materials.
And I would agree with them.
But at the same time, if they're going to loosen up they should just loosen up the rest of the way and enjoy the experience.
I don't think it's bad to observe these days without judging others, but that isn't what happens.
I'm glad to hear you say that.
I guess like any movement in the church, you have the few who 'get it' mingling among the many
I've talked to several of them on-line. They do exist. And they bless me.
But I confess, it is the majority that keeps me from thinking about worshiping in a Messianic church. But that's pretty much true of any church right now, lol. I want the real thing at the core of the church without the stuff around it.
I'd bet $100 that the original poster believes non-observers are sinning by their non-observance, and many think non-observers are not even saved, and are under the Mark of the Beast. I know that's what I thought as an observer.
I don't make bad bets, lol.

But, like say, I understand why they think it's a sin not to be observant. I get it.
I even understand the part about us not being saved....to a point, anyway.
Now the Mark of the Beast thing.
I don't give a lot of room for that thinking in the church.