I wonder sometimes when an unbeliever points out that even believers can't agree on what the Bible is saying how much we are affecting the world? Here at CC we have constant disagreement. We all think the Bible is plain, straight forward, yet some of our beliefs are so far apart. And each one of us would say we follow the Word and are guided by the Holy Spirit and that is why we believe the way we believe.
How do we reach a world when we won't even let each other in to heaven? I've been wondering about that lately, and it's been bothering me. A well known actress that is a Christian said to two comedian friends of hers that God loves them. They said they were astounded, because no one had ever told them God loves them. And that got me to thinking, why didn't they know? I've always been very black and white in what I believe. But I wonder, are we trying to do the Holy Spirits work? A popular singing group has a song called "I Catch Em', He Cleans Em'. We're to be fishers of men. But are we trying to do work that isn't ours to do? An old singer said once, "the older I'm getting, the more people I'm letting into heaven". Does anyone else feel the same way? Or is it just me? Why aren't we more in one accord. And don't tell me "because the way you believe is wrong". Every single person here believes they are right according to the Word. If that is true, we should be able to sing "There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place" and there isn't. Why?!
How do we reach a world when we won't even let each other in to heaven? I've been wondering about that lately, and it's been bothering me. A well known actress that is a Christian said to two comedian friends of hers that God loves them. They said they were astounded, because no one had ever told them God loves them. And that got me to thinking, why didn't they know? I've always been very black and white in what I believe. But I wonder, are we trying to do the Holy Spirits work? A popular singing group has a song called "I Catch Em', He Cleans Em'. We're to be fishers of men. But are we trying to do work that isn't ours to do? An old singer said once, "the older I'm getting, the more people I'm letting into heaven". Does anyone else feel the same way? Or is it just me? Why aren't we more in one accord. And don't tell me "because the way you believe is wrong". Every single person here believes they are right according to the Word. If that is true, we should be able to sing "There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit in This Place" and there isn't. Why?!
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