Its been 40 so I'm mixing up the Voltron Force with the G-force and the Battle of the Planets (of which keyop was the smallest (and the only name I remember from all of them put together) although I kept up with both series (only just Lion Force) even though neither ran very long. But these both rightly summarizes the argument that either you are Voltron or you go to Voltron, and either you are the G-force or you go to the G-force.
But the problem often presents itself in the frustration of those that keep going to (what they think is) the G-force to become the G-force but are never given any transmuters but people keep going because they really really want a transmuter and they've been told this is where they can get one but only end up getting the run around. And it turns out its just Zoltar's take over
But, you know as they say about art reflecting life. I mean, even having been 'inspired' by a japanese anime series, similar to the man with no name series being likewise inspired, it's like everybody inherently "knows" about that 'something wonderful' about life....

I mean, Jesus would no doubt
be a master samurai, ninja, or kung-fu artist if he had the mind to be, and even now if He so much as willed to be. Certainly, He wouldn't go to the masters, unless he wanted to teach them a thing or two, I mean, they could learn from Him!
The church is in a weak state though, isn't it? Is it actually of any effect? Or is it just that I just can't see it rightly? Anywhere. Signed, Discouraged.