So many problems since the fall, yet the one answer He has shown me that can give the greatest results for the Kingdom is praying in the Divine prayer language, without ceasing.
He knows what I need and need to pray for better than I.
Always has, always will.
Pray with your husband and ask for things that it be to the glory of the Father, I know He will respond abundantly.
Men need a mission, when they find out the God who created them and will determine their eternity wants to be responsive to them in relationship nothing will hold a person back.
Many today think of faith as a shoulder patch, or a fraternal ring when relationship is required.
Walking in relationship will require a thirst for the things of God, and it is a journey.
The model emphasises the journey of faith and spiritual maturity through a number of stages.
+5 Stewardship
+4 Communion with God
+3 Conceptual and behavioral growth
+2 Incorporation into
+1 Post-decision evaluation
New birth
-1 Repentance and faith in
-2 Decision to act
-3 Personal problem recognition
-4 Positive attitude towards
-5 Grasp implications of Gospel
-6 Awareness of fundamentals of Gospel
-7 Initial awareness of Gospel
-8 Awareness of supreme being, no knowledge of Gospel
Two possible additional stages before stage eight could be: -9 Unawareness of supreme being. -10 Resistance or antagonism to the concept of a supreme being.