Its very sweet how you and your wife enjoy your relationship.
I do think that in some ways talking about relationships can be exclusionary to those who are not in relationships, are just out of one, or never ever been in one.
I sense the danger of it when I want to talk about it all the time... and thats why I hang out with friends now who have their own relationships. We get to talk, share ideas and just feel excited when the "I did this..." becomes "We did this..." in reference to being a couple.
And that said, I do enjoy my own relationship with my boyfriend. For the first time in my life, I am with someone who's truly an equal and even in some ways far ahead of me.
I enjoy being able to talk about my day with him.
He has great insight and work related advice that I appreciate. We are in constant touch and there are those sweet moments when there's the "good morning/good night" texts, the just after work text and the text during the work day.
As a woman, it is absolutely flattering to know that I am on his mind all the time. Then we have our date nights ... we try to see each other quite often during the week but we also want to give each other space.
If we ever speak on the phone, we both know that we would end up talking for 5 hours straight and not sleep.
It is still early in our relationship so we are at that phase where we are starting to get to know each other better, and like two puzzle pieces fitting in, trying to move our lives in order.
What I really like about my boyfriend is the comfort level I feel around him. Just holding his hand or showing affection in public comes naturally to me which is so surprising.
I have never felt that way with any man before.
I have been on many, many dates but I have never really committed to anyone. I didn't give in easily. While he asked to be exclusive quite quickly, I took my time.
We have so many similarities. He's not a typical American. He grew up all over, just like me. He speaks multiple languages, just like me.
He's a really good musician, unlike me.
There's something about being serenaded by a man as he plays music and looks into your eyes. And as you do that, you realize he has the most shockingly beautiful green eyes

Then there are the sweet things he does.
I found an old guitar with a string broken in my apartment a couple of weeks ago and I told him about it over text. As he came to meet me, he brought a set of strings and offered to fix it for me.
I didn't even need to ask. Then its just the way he looks at me. Like, he's absolutely spell bound and enchanted. He treats me like a princess - many times he kisses the back of my hand while we are just walking.
We don't really flirt in the kitchen because he usually takes me out. We've been to some really nice quaint places as well as expensive fancy ones.
He pays for everything... He never lets me pay.