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  1. SirSolaScriptura

    Speak Your Mind.

    I wish that there was some sort of groups for Church Hurt. So many people have been wounded, and not by little things, but major spiritual abuse and abuse of authority that need healing.
  2. SirSolaScriptura

    Why Do You Think God Made It So That Our Hormones Seem So Hyperactive When We're Young, and Not Older or Later On In Life?

    The Hormones are meant to say to us "do not go exstinct!" and "be frutiful and multiply." The problem is they were programmed in us in paradise in our ancestors Adam and Eve before they sinned. We now live in a world given to futility and that is fallen, and so it is not easy to harness these...
  3. SirSolaScriptura

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    What becomes hard is when your world around you rewards you for the flesh and persecutes you over the Spirit. Our natural inclination is to gravitate to pleasure and flee suffering, however, the Lukewarm is not a group to join (Revelation 3:16).
  4. SirSolaScriptura

    Some Recommendations of Mine:

    I. I Wanna Go Back Song by David Dunn ‧ 2017 A powerful song about when we can grow apart from the Lord because of Life or maybe even religious prusuits, the lines, "I wanna go back to Jesus Loves me the Bible tells me, because the Bible tells me so!" is so great. I love too the other chorus...
  5. SirSolaScriptura

    Assualts Against Restrainer

    I am so glad this topic exists. I have been trying to divine what the restrainer is myself. Some say the Archangel Michael (I see not proof of this), others the Holy Spirit. What I do know is does feel like The Constrainer / Restrainer has been removed from the Earth, that we are seeing the...
  6. SirSolaScriptura

    Thoughts on “Fear the Lord”

    I prefer the English translation in place of fear as "revere the Lord," reverent fear is a type of fear that isn't "I am afraid of harm." Though there is some merit to the other definition of fear that Jesus himself says, "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch...
  7. SirSolaScriptura

    Struggling with 🌽

    I pray for you brother, we are facing temptations at a rate no generations before have. While nothing is new under the sun, " No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also...
  8. SirSolaScriptura

    Can We Really Exercise Free Will?

    Free Will is complicated for us. In one sphere yes, we have free will in that we can make choices, as Adam and Eve did in the Garden. However, the apostle Paul lends insight that we are governed by two forces, "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For...
  9. SirSolaScriptura

    "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (2...

    "In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (2 Timothy 3:12)
  10. SirSolaScriptura

    How do angels jibe with the Holy Spirit?

    My view is the angelos serve the gospel in capacity as we do, for the Hebrews verse you mention says, "they are fellow ministers of fire, as we are," what is that fire? The Lord, "Four our God is a consuming fire." (Hebrews 12:29). The Angels serve in a way through worship and warefare, they...
  11. SirSolaScriptura

    Has anyone suffered from religious OCD?

    Martin Luther suffered greatly from Religious OCD, returning again and again to the Confessional as he remembered more sins, to the point the parish priest told him to go to a really bad sin and come back. Ignatius of Loyala suffered from same Scrupulosity, the founder of the Jesuits. I think...
  12. SirSolaScriptura

    Hail All!

    It my pleasure nay my privilege to join Christian Chat! I have been looking for a community online of fellow Christians, and this place seems a right fit. Some details about myself, I am Born Again and Baptized, I attended Seminary and in process of continuing that vocation. I am Protestant...