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  1. E

    Hebrews 6 & 10 DO NOT speak to "losing your salvation" on!

    If it's in the epistle, it's NT all the way, unless stating something historical.
  2. E

    Am I fit to judge other Christians ?

    The corinthian church didn't throw the guy out, instead they dealt with him & he repented & was restored. So, yes the church judged him. Proverbs 31:9 ESV Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy. Galatians 6:1 ESV Brothers, if anyone is caught in any...
  3. E

    Am I fit to judge other Christians ?

    1Cor 5:1It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife. 2And you are arrogant! Ought you not rather to mourn? Let him who has done this be removed from among you. 3For though absent in...
  4. E

    What is the emergent church? what is good about it?

    Whenever a "new" belief system emerges onto the church scene, it needs to be fully scrutinized like the Bereans checked Paul's teaching. Here, one only needs to investigate the well-known leaders of this movement to see the truth, because if its leaders are heretical, the movement is also. The...
  5. E

    Are Gods laws written on christians hearts

    This is not scriptural. There is only one such great law, the Law of Love. When speaking about honor, Jesus said, Matthew 15: 7You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: 8“‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 9in vain do they worship me...
  6. E

    Where does the idea of a head pastor come from?

    The word "bishop" was never used in early writings of the church till after the formation of the RCC. Clement's "translation" may have used the word, but it's not a proper translation at all. The RCC, the church of England, and others have used this word to take authority that didn't belong to...
  7. E

    Did Christ change the world or fulfill what was said of the world?

    When there's a dispute between 2 or more, and it continues, then all are wrong. One or more would be wrong with their opinion & the other(s) would be wrong (even if their answer is right) because of bickering , complaining, justifying self, etc., because ALL is to be done unto edifying. Yes, we...
  8. E

    Did Christ change the world or fulfill what was said of the world?

    Christ fulfilled what the OT rituals symbolized, so yes, we need the OT to see what He fulfilled. The OT moral law (thou shall not kill, steal, bear false witness, honor your father & mother, etc.) are still in force, but not the covenant itself. It has been done away with by Christ. We are now...
  9. E

    When Does the New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem come into being?

    The 'heaven' it speaks of here is actually the atmosphere(1st heaven). The reason it needs to be replaced is because it's cursed with the earth. Thus both of them are made brand new. The 2nd & 3rd heaven is uncorrupted, so they don't need to be replaced. This is correct. Another reason for...
  10. E

    Bible "versions"?

    Just so everyone knows, both the Bishop's Bible & the KJV was edited by the Archbishop of Canterbury, who inserted the word "bishop" into the text to solidify his authority over the Church of England. And that's not all he did to it. King James wanted to divorce his wife against the Catholic...
  11. E

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    Then your speech surely betrays you. Anyone who condems all churches condemns the Bride of Christ. Matt 12:33“Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. 34You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are...
  12. E

    What method do you use to approach the bible ?

    So, the Bible should focus on "Can't we just get along" instead of informing its readers of the truth? The Word of God is the correct answer to man's problems, containing the Gospel of Christ, as well as tons of moral living truths. BTW, the TPT isn't a translation of the Scriptures & has added...
  13. E

    Unconditional love and the church's approach to homosexuality

    While some churches may be swapping conditional love for unconditional, The majority isn't the case. Some people can't distinguish between unconditional love & unconditional trust. There should never be unconditional trust in the church, with exception to the Godhead. All may come to church...
  14. E

    The law of many laws

    I noticed you didn't ever mention accepting the Father's grace thru faith in Jesus Christ, nor did I see anything about conviction of sin, repentance, etc. This makes your opening statement look like works salvation. While I believe that's not what you intended, you must understand that this...
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    The Beast is arising

    Now, IF He is taken away there would be no tribulation saints. Moved out of the Antichrist's way, yes but not removed. Otherwise the 144,000 witnesses & the 2 witnesses would have zero salvation effect.;)
  16. E

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    Since diakonos means 'servant', does that mean all the females can no longer be God's servants?
  17. E

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    Abusing scripture to prove your point. You really ought to search the scriptures about people who twist scripture. You might learn something.
  18. E

    Woman can't teach in the congregation

    He knows. He simply refuses to believe it.
  19. E

    Christian "catchphrases"

    This is an old one, also one I detest. "I thank Gawd I'm saved, sanctified, & filled with the Holy Ghost" Such pride & arrogance. It was so ironic because nearly every person who said it wasn't.;)