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  1. E

    Who is Junia?

    I agree. God used Balaam to bless Israel in spite of the fact he was a wicked man. If He can do that, who am I to say what God will or will not do?
  2. E

    Do demons influence our world today?

    I think we need to simply state the facts & leave our opinions out of it. Mixing in our opinion steers the facts in our own direction, usually misleading & manipulating the hearers. It is true that we need to see the positive side as well. Where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. If we...
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    Fearing God

    There is no need of reconciling these scriptures. In Pro.1:7, the word for fear is yirah, which in this passage means to awsomely respect or revere the Lord. The word reverence pretty much sums it up.
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    Have churches become too reliant on recovery programs and psychology/psychiatry?

    We have been mostly taught against spiritual oppresion by those (in church) who are ignorant, as well by the bad examples of televangelists who see a devil behind every tree. Oppression is very real. Sure, some may call it the spirit of this or that, but just because a person doesn't know its...
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    Who is Junia?

    Gal 3:28 New International Version There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. New Living Translation There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. English...
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    It's always best when applicable to quote the necessary scripture(s) when dealing with conflicting posts. That way, if a person argues, they argue with the Word, not you. :)
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    Doctrine of Unconditional Election

    He who knows the end from the beginning knows who will accept Christ & who won't in advance. It's really not that hard to understand. We still have to come to God the gospel way, & only that way. Christ is still the only way to eternal life.
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    I'm a little 'late in the game', so to speak. We no longer keep the ceremonial laws of the OT, but we keep the moral laws as they are brought into the NT by Jesus Himself. I hope this helps.
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    Is it too late?

    Servus Christi is a good example. Always tearing somebody down, never lifting them up. Neither does he lift up others, either. The site is only good to find a direction on someone. It shouldn't be considered accurate.
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    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    Beware, brethen, some people will steer their posts simply to win or to look like they're winning. That's their agenda. BMOC never loses.
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    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    God continued to deal with Jonah because Jonah allowed it.
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    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    Yes, because The Father doesn't force himself on anyone.
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    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    Regardless of whether it is us or the Lord, we must allow it. We always have the ability to choose.
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    Is it too late?

    A warning, brethern. Many on here will "push" their favorite anti- christian speaker to push their agenda for personal gain. They also are wolves in sheep's clothing. If all a site does is destroy a person's reputation, then it is not of God, for he/she isn't edifying the body of Christ as the...
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    Is it too late?

    While I don't think much of the site or the speaker, he will give a good general direction. Just don't swallow everything he says.
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    Is it too late?

    Well, Satan does have his own version of that.
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    Biblical Eternal Security vs 'Calvinistic Eternal Security' -by Gregg Jackson

    English Standard Version For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. New King James Version For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Berean Study Bible because by a single offering He has made perfect for all time...
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    We christians claim that the holy spirit is teaching us into all truth so why then do we have contradicting interpretations of scripture?

    Well, long story short, a new convert will go to church to worship & learn, then other "christians" there will point them to their favorite books, TV preachers, send them to conferences to hear rich & popular people give their 2 cents(overrated) for a huge check, instead of discipling them...
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    "The ultimate goal of all bible study is not increased knowledge but increased holiness and CHRISTLIKENESS" John MacArthur

    I like your post, but I don't think much of Johnny Mac. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. ;)
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    Hebrews 6 & 10 DO NOT speak to "losing your salvation" on!

    1. enlightened - eyes open to the truth 2. There's one main heavenly gift, & that's salvation 3. The ONLY way to do so is to be saved 4. Obeyed the Word resulting in its blessing 5. Only the saved can do so.