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  1. G00WZ

    Singles Thread. L.F.T. #3

    I don't get too annoyed about it, the hardest part is being self aware enough to intentionally imagine different to shape the world im in. A lot of times it's just easier to fall back into the mindset of being the minds passenger though. Yeah it is hard to manifest things into a dream if you...
  2. G00WZ

    Signs You May be Addicted to Christian Chat.

    In my forest it's like a Disney movie you can pet all the creatures without them stinging or biting lol.
  3. G00WZ

    Signs You May be Addicted to Christian Chat.

    It's like in nature, if you pick up a log or turn over some leaves you'll find some creatures coexisting together lol. -Lifts a Seoulsearch log- " see you got a few lynx's in there, a few Cinders scattered around foraging, a Lanolin or two followed by the occasional Magenta...
  4. G00WZ

    Singles Thread. L.F.T. #3

    I had a dream that i was playing fetch with an 14 foot tall doberman. I knew that i was in a dream but at the same time i didn't feel like being trampled over by my own thoughts when the dog came back with the stick so i turned my back and imagined him to be normal sized and was prepared for him...
  5. G00WZ

    Joel & Victoria Osteen: This Blew My Mind

    It depends on what you know/have belief in and how well can you conform to the truth in spite of what you see. My mom was healed of a tumor a long time ago just as a baby christian before i was born, no faith healer, no scriptures, she just flat out trusted God with it and when she went back to...
  6. G00WZ

    What is your mission?

    CC the final frontier. These are the voyages of the G00WZship Enterprise. My continuing mission, to explore strange new posts, to seek out new threads and new comments. To boldly go where no man has gone before.
  7. G00WZ

    Christian folks; how do you handle rejection ?

    I don't mind it, 1 rejection from a person doesn't matter to the 1000000 accepts that i give to everyone else. Ignore the weeds but stay planting the seeds.
  8. G00WZ

    Locked out of your car? Tennis ball to the rescue

    If i lock myself out of my car i deserve to stand there looking dumb as i wait for a locksmith, i'd look even dumber having a tennis ball with a hole in it just for such an occasion.
  9. G00WZ

    Nimrod Tomb Found: Cloning of Nimrod and Osiris underway

    What kind of a nimrod would want to clone nimrod... Oh wait.. wait what? lol
  10. G00WZ

    Signs You May be Addicted to Christian Chat.

    All the cool kids buy their clothes from Hot topic... Nothin like buying a fresh set of Tripp pants only for them to fall apart on the bus ride to school.
  11. G00WZ

    What is your mission?

    Isn't it kind of counterproductive to be responding to someone you have on ignore?. Your ignores are a lot nicer than mine because when i used to do it that person would pretty much cease to exist. I had a user by the name of willy on ignore for years and i had forgotten about him until someone...
  12. G00WZ

    Egypt gods

    The Egyptians had that old school hermetic wisdom/ sacred geometry so they could do things like move objects around and transmute things, you can see this in exodus with the serpent rods. Dunno much about the nephilim doing all of the leg-work for them but i imagine that's where they got the...
  13. G00WZ

    How Easily Do You Give Out Your Phone Number?

    It depends on the person, as a rule i don't like phone calls, i see them as interruptions or distractions from what im doing even if im doing absoluetly nothing so it's like if you call me it better be important. Don't call me talking about dumb stuff like how you switched your cats food brand...
  14. G00WZ

    Unwanted presents

    A mens tiara.
  15. G00WZ

    Logical Vs. Emotional -- Where Do You Fall, and What Are the Pros and Cons of Each?

    I am neither overly logical or emotional but highly introspective which gets me labeled as logical because im more controlled and self aware. When i come across highly emotional reacting people i understand the mindset can either build or destroy a person because im somewhat versed in how the...
  16. G00WZ

    Are you an Alpha, Beta or an Omega male or female?

    Yes they might "get" a girl like that but they won't be able to maintain her.
  17. G00WZ

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    stay moisturized i guess lol
  18. G00WZ

    Are you an Alpha, Beta or an Omega male or female?

    Betas are like subscribers and Alphas are like content creators on YouTube if that makes any kind of sense. Like on a chess board you have 1 king and 8 of those little bald dudes, they can't ever become the king or have a purpose/game of their own but they can become some of his strongest...
  19. G00WZ

    Girlie: Handbag / Perfume / make up / etc thread

    Nothin wrong with looking regal, upgrades on lanolins because it was basically a coin purse lol.
  20. G00WZ

    Online long distance relationships - the pros and cons

    Well it is what it is now, once somethings out there it's pretty much established. Im neutral so im not taking sides, supporting or going against, i just see what i see because ive seen and been there before. People will always have opinions though, i had a guy tell me i wasn't christian because...