Hey Everyone,
I know this topic probably fits more under Miscellaneous, but most people know I post almost exclusively in Singles. It's just what I'm used to, and we tend to get more traffic here. I also find that the topic at hand affects several aspects of my relationships with people, whether friends, family, or in dating situations.
* If we were trying to measure Logical vs. Emotional Thinking on a scale of 1 (least like you) to 10 (most like you,) where would you fall?
1. On a Logical Thinking Scale of 1 - 10, what score would you give yourself and why? (How much do you gravitate towards "logical" thinking -- thinking based on the facts, reason, math, etc. over how you feel?)
2. On an Emotional Thinking Scale of 1-10, what score would you give yourself and why? (How much do you base your decisions off your emotions rather than logic or facts?)
I think I would rate myself as about a 6-7 Logical, and around an 8-9 Emotional.
One of my own challenges with this is that I find that when I run into highly Logical-Thinking people, we sometimes have a hard time understanding each other because they don't understand why I would work from emotion when logic seems so much more practical.
On the other hand, I've also found that when I run into some highly Emotionally-Based people, they either try to manipulate my emotions, or they are more interested in obtaining emotional highs fueled by others rather than in solving actual problems.
I'm certainly not saying at all that one is better than the other, or that either one is somehow bad or undesirable. After all, I know that I am very much a mix of both and if anything, running into extremes (including myself) reminds me of how important it is to find a working balance that serves both the needs of others and ourselves.
I do have to admit though that I tend to gravitate towards more emotionally-based people, but I would be greatly missing out if God hadn't nudged me towards my more logic-based friends as a balance.
What about you?
* As we were discussing above, which one do you think you lean more towards?
* Are you attracted to more logical or emotional thinkers? Are you attracted to those who think in ways more like you or opposite of you? How does it affect your relationships?
* What are your thoughts of what a good balance is between the two? Do you think some people are fine just leaning almost exclusively on one or the other? Why or why not?
My logical side says, "This could be a very interesting discussion."
But my emotional side says, "I wonder what kinds of problems people have run into when encountering extremes, and how it has affected their hearts."
Which side will win out??!
Contribute your post now to continue fueling my ongoing internal debate!
I know this topic probably fits more under Miscellaneous, but most people know I post almost exclusively in Singles. It's just what I'm used to, and we tend to get more traffic here. I also find that the topic at hand affects several aspects of my relationships with people, whether friends, family, or in dating situations.
* If we were trying to measure Logical vs. Emotional Thinking on a scale of 1 (least like you) to 10 (most like you,) where would you fall?
1. On a Logical Thinking Scale of 1 - 10, what score would you give yourself and why? (How much do you gravitate towards "logical" thinking -- thinking based on the facts, reason, math, etc. over how you feel?)
2. On an Emotional Thinking Scale of 1-10, what score would you give yourself and why? (How much do you base your decisions off your emotions rather than logic or facts?)
I think I would rate myself as about a 6-7 Logical, and around an 8-9 Emotional.
One of my own challenges with this is that I find that when I run into highly Logical-Thinking people, we sometimes have a hard time understanding each other because they don't understand why I would work from emotion when logic seems so much more practical.
On the other hand, I've also found that when I run into some highly Emotionally-Based people, they either try to manipulate my emotions, or they are more interested in obtaining emotional highs fueled by others rather than in solving actual problems.
I'm certainly not saying at all that one is better than the other, or that either one is somehow bad or undesirable. After all, I know that I am very much a mix of both and if anything, running into extremes (including myself) reminds me of how important it is to find a working balance that serves both the needs of others and ourselves.
I do have to admit though that I tend to gravitate towards more emotionally-based people, but I would be greatly missing out if God hadn't nudged me towards my more logic-based friends as a balance.
What about you?
* As we were discussing above, which one do you think you lean more towards?
* Are you attracted to more logical or emotional thinkers? Are you attracted to those who think in ways more like you or opposite of you? How does it affect your relationships?
* What are your thoughts of what a good balance is between the two? Do you think some people are fine just leaning almost exclusively on one or the other? Why or why not?
My logical side says, "This could be a very interesting discussion."
But my emotional side says, "I wonder what kinds of problems people have run into when encountering extremes, and how it has affected their hearts."
Which side will win out??!
Contribute your post now to continue fueling my ongoing internal debate!
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