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  1. G00WZ

    Cancer treatment choices

    A lot of diseases have to deal with mindstates,beliefs and what you think, covid's been out since january of 2020 and i still have yet to catch it. I don't believe in it and i didn't and still don't cooperate with the hype,im still unvaccinated. People wore their facemasks in fear of the...
  2. G00WZ

    Why did this guy treat me like this and made a mess of me?

    You have anxiety and negative belief about yourself from past experiences and because of this you on a subconsious level expect what you've been getting even though you don't want it. You can't get this to change from the outside with the hope that you'll get a new result, it has to be changed...
  3. G00WZ

    Useless information

    Should have said this for things not to say on the first date thread.
  4. G00WZ

    Useless information

    So apparently an egg and a sperm create a flash of light at the exact moment of conception.
  5. G00WZ

    INFP club

    2022 Lanolin = tending plants on moonrocks 2023 Lanolin = levitating with emeralds and a scimitar
  6. G00WZ

    When You Encounter a Ghost Online, Do You Confront Him or Her, or Just Let Them Float By?

    Reminds me of the lyrics to a song from Shadows fall The ghosts of past failures Facing the reality Of our own imperfections The waves crash without warning Overwhelmed and short of breath Never able to escape The bloodstains upon your hands I AM! Still bleeding you From wounds you've never...
  7. G00WZ

    Politely saying 'no'

    In California they have a lot of gay people out here, and not just normal gay but extra "ghey" with an accent mark over it.
  8. G00WZ

    What Were You Like in High School?

    I wish it was because that would be like totally radical dude!
  9. G00WZ

    What Were You Like in High School?

    I was popular because i was pretty much nice to everyone that plus i was one of the tallest kids in school. I already looked and sounded like i was a 12th grader when i was in the 9th. I didn't belong to any exact group because i was cool with literally everyone and vice versa. I went to public...
  10. G00WZ

    Cancer treatment choices

    My mom was healed of cancer, she didn't have any treatments or anything she literally gave it to God and it was gone by the time she went back to the doctors for a checkup months later. With me i have had allergies,arthritis and stomach issues like gluten intolerance and ibs leave by changing...
  11. G00WZ

    what can one build with bullet proof glass?

    Depends on how big it is, if it's like the size of car window you might be able to mount some handles on it and make it into a riot shield.
  12. G00WZ

    what can one build with bullet proof glass?

    Make some gunproof glass bullets out of it.
  13. G00WZ

    What is the Difference Between Determination and Desperation?

    Change and new perspectives are open for everyone but at the same time they're closed and beyond comprehension to those who are occupied. It's impossible to change a persons mind for them, all you can do is tell them what's available. You remember KJ91, remember how much time and effort people...
  14. G00WZ

    Singles Thread. L.F.T. #3

    @Mii you migrated from the Bible discussion forum and back to the singles and you made it alive?, They let out out?! *inspects you for scratches and bruises* They can't hurt you anymore man... They can't hurt you anymore lol.
  15. G00WZ

    What is the Difference Between Determination and Desperation?

    Determination proves itself, it's self affirming, desperation is self lacking and tries hard to be proven and validated. They both are self affirming but desperation is negative and designed to torment you. Determination is like "im the man i get all the girls" and so he goes out and proves...
  16. G00WZ

    Politely saying 'no'

    It was a hypothetical question but because i live in California someone might have but no thanks lol.
  17. G00WZ

    Politely saying 'no'

    dating and marriage
  18. G00WZ

    Politely saying 'no'

    Someone asked me i would give a transgender a chance...
  19. G00WZ

    Singles Thread. L.F.T. #3

    Nope, no manbun = no subscribers they wont think you're guru enough without it lol. I didn't really answer you before about the mental work that i do but most of it is to overcome doubt and unbelief. When i was sick and not really believing scripture about being healed i had to work on my mind...
  20. G00WZ

    Singles Thread. L.F.T. #3

    Who knows you could be like those new age law of attraction guru guys and manifest it, it doesn't have to go puff in the sunlight. I can see it now, you could have your own Youtube channel called "lynxtheguru", your own books and podcast on the topic, your own manbun, just think of the...