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  1. P

    The lying spirit of the Pre-trib Rapture

    Show me the "be ready" and "watch" verses in context with your no departure doctrine. Lol You would need them chopped out
  2. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    If I were a betting man I could make a little money off of you. Explain how Every man woman and child is not every man woman and child
  3. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    1) can not be a postrib rapturebecause the ac kills all refusing the mark. 2 ) both sides believe he comes as a thief 3) one verse ( which does not help you) does not magically void all the pretrib verses.
  4. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Yep. No brainer.
  5. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    And each one of our verses make your doctrine impossible. You guys sit in ashes, with a destroyed doctrine and are oblivious to reality. Ask yourself why you can not post a single verse pointing to a postrib rapture Hello
  6. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    The last trump is blown every year at the feast of trumpets. So we both use that verse. need at least ONE ACTUAL postrib verse. So far you only provide verses that we both agree on. Are you able to do what NO POSTRIBBER has ever done???? Provide one verse. One postrib RAPTURE VERSE.
  7. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Nope Nope Nope Only the 2 witnesses are resurrected. Way off my friend
  8. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Show him this: Rev 13 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. 8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from...
  9. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Lol Read what I said. Not what you have a habit of adding. I never said what you claim.
  10. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Yeah Let's just say you believe she is not ready until she is purified. Or chastised. That makes it more plausible for those wanting that to happen to the bride. That is what the Jews and Romans called their beatings.(chastizement) So your doctrine really means "beat the bride into purity" Got it.
  11. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    The last Trumpet is still blown every year at the feast of trumpets. .....but let's say you have one verse against our 10 verses . Pssssst... that is how false doctrine flourishes
  12. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Both lot and Noah are used by Jesus as escaping pretrib with no such impurities needing to be purged
  13. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    You still are insisting the bride needs impurities beaten out of her, then claim only you can say it with proper etiquette. The bible 100% disagrees with your doctrine.
  14. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Again, we agree on all those verses. Nothing you posted points to a postrib rapture. Zero
  15. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    That woman is Israel, as the Bible declares You left that part out. Besides that, the bible says every man, woman, and child recieve the mark whose names are not written in the book.
  16. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Thats like saying " there is ONLY ONE way to the top of a skyscraper, and that is by the stairway." Nope Elevator Crane Helicopter Skydive with parachute
  17. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Only 9 sentences separate Jesus 2 separate examples of half taken/left. 2 examples given. Almost together. That is powerful. Roughly half the church is left behind according to Jesus.
  18. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    All believers have at least a trace of oil. As did the foolish. The amount is the issue. So 1/2 is plausible
  19. P

    Preparation for the tribulation.

    Quote ""Matthew 25:1-13 This tells us more about the good servants. This parable is about virgins who have their lamps lit and are awaiting the coming of Jesus. So these are all the good servants and not the evil servants. But half of them are foolish, they didn't take oil in their vessels...
  20. P

    Matthew 24:40 Is the rapture secret?

    Rapture simply is easier than saying "arpaghsomeqaharpagEsometha G726vi 2Fut Pas 1 PlSHALL-BE-BEING-SNATCHED shall-be-being-snatched-away" But we can get technical and just abbreviate it. It shall be called " THE SBBSA" nah "Rapture" is the best for brevity. Everyone is on the same page that way